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An Open Letter to “My Person”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

“If I murdered someone, she’s the person I’d call to drag the corpse across the living room floor. She’s my person.”

Dear “My Person,”

First, thank you for everything. I wouldn’t be the person that I am today without you by my side. I don’t exactly remember what our first conversation was, but I do remember feeling like I was gaining a friend for the rest of my life.

We might have grown up with complete opposite childhoods, but there’s a reason that life brought us together. I believe that we have so many opposite personality traits because that’s part of what makes us work so well together. We lean on each other. You’ve accepted me for who I am, laughed with me through the best and cried with me through the worst, and for that, I couldn’t be more grateful. Frankly, I couldn’t imagine having anyone else go through this crazy life we live with me, and I don’t do a good enough job at expressing how thankful I am for our friendship. You need to know that without you, my life would take a total 180.

Thank you for being brutally honest, all of the time. When I come to you with a long list of craziness, thank you for giving me your truthful opinion. Like that one time, when that boy broke my heart, and I thought the world was most definitely over. Thanks for telling me to toughen up and getting me some candy. Thank you for telling me when I’m being crazy, but loving me anyway. There’s no one I would rather share every thought with than you.

Thank you for giving me justification for everything going on in this crazy, adventure we call college. When I vent to you about how I’m stressed, thanks for telling me everyone’s stressed. When I ask you if we should go out on Thursday night, I knew you would give me the answer I was looking for. When I ask you if we should have pizza for the third night in a row, thanks for saying yes, but telling me to eat a salad too. When things went sour that one night, thanks for sticking by my side and telling me over and over again that we’re best friends. Your justification and support through all of our crazy adventures is what gets me by.

Thank you for letting me take naps in your bed with you, eat your chocolate, and wear all of your clothes. Thank you for doing my makeup and listening to me rant about guys and life. Thank you for holding me when I just need to know someone is there. Thank you for playing foosball with me and always encouraging me to get ice cream. Thank you for laughing at our goofy profs and sharing chicken tenders with me. Thank you for screaming our many songs in the car and dancing obnoxiously on the coffee table with me. Thank you for watching YouTube videos with me all day, making us laugh while I make fun of your knowledge of every famous Viner and YouTuber from our childhood.

But most importantly, thank you for celebrating life with me. Thank you for celebrating the little things and the big things, right by my side. You’re the Christina to my Meredith, and without you, I would be lost. That’s may be cliche, but there’s really no better way to explain it.

Love Always,


My name is Shelby, I am an Advertising major pursuing minors in both PR and Graphic Design. I love being around people and experiencing new cultures, ideas, and beliefs. Some of my best memories here at MSU are spent with my best friends. My all time favorite quote is Maya Angelou's "I've learned people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Feminist | Editor | Lesbian