Name: Selvedina Velic
Major: Human Biology
Hometown: Grand Rapids
What’s your major, and how did you decide?
Human biology. I’ve always been intrigued by biology throughout high school and my college classes made me decide this was the field I want to go into.
What do you love most about being a human biology major?
I love that my major opens the door for many opportunities. Biology exists within so many fields and there is always something new to learn about our existence.
Do you have any plans for post-graduation?
I’m still figuring out post grad plans. I want to continue to do research as I’ve been doing for the past year. I’d also like to continue volunteering.
How did you imagine your senior year of college to be? How is it actually?
I didn’t expect much of my senior year of college, I just kind of went into it blind. It actually ended up testing me a lot academically. It’s flying by and it’s getting real that the final semester is coming.
Do you have any advice for the underclassmen?
My advice for the underclassmen is not to let the freedom of college go over your head. Enjoy these days because they’ll be some of the best but also hold yourself responsible academically.
What’s your favorite class you’ve taken?
My favorite class I’ve taken is a genetics class I’m taking at the moment. It’s interesting to make connections between what I’m learning in class and the research I do at work.
In your opinion, what’s the best dining hall on campus?
Landon without a doubt. It has this homey feel to it aesthetically but the food also tastes so good.
What is one lesson you’ve learned that you will carry with you?
Everything happens for a reason. I’ve learned it time and time again and I think I’ll always carry it with me because I find truth in it.
If you could redo your college experience, would you do anything differently?
I would do a lot differently. I made a lot of mistakes that I learned from throughout the years both academically and personally. Overall I’d take school more seriously and put myself out there into more organizations and events.