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Songs I Think Shakespeare Would Disapprove Of

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Shakespeare was known for his prolific writing. His famous pieces like Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth gave him his known name. Along with the viral “what would put a pilgrim child into a coma” trend, here is a list of modern songs I think Shakespeare would disapprove of (In no particular order).

What Does The Fox Say”- Yivis

“Dog goes wolf, Cat goes meow” I don’t think Shakespeare would comprehend that.

Novacane”- Frank Ocean 

He would give the song a chance because he wouldn’t understand it. Once it’s explained he would implode. 

Yummy”- Justin Beiber

Shakespeare would be confused.

Boyfriend”- Dove Cameron

Because Shakespeare was secretly gay.

Pink Mist”- Ghostmane

Give Shakespeare some earbuds and lock him in a room with this song.

Roll in Peace”- Xxxtentaction

A whiff of a joint would make Shakespeare pass out.

Anything Brittnay song covered by Glee

No need for context.

The ‘Spongebob Squarepants’ theme song

The concept of a walking and talking sponge would not amuse him.

Any music video by Gaga or Katy Perry

West Coast represent.

Super Shy”- new jeans 

The first note of this song would send him into shock.

The list can go on and on, I feel like Shakespeare would have a limited taste in modern music. What songs do you think Shakespeare would disapprove of? 

Sophia Jundy is a junior at Michigan State University studying journalism with a public relations minor. She specializes in entertainment journalism and hopes to work with magazines after university.