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Sushmitha Balraj: Early Graduate, Aspiring Dentist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Sushmitha Balraj is a Michigan State junior majoring in Human Biology and is graduating in the fall semester of 2022. She is an ambitious pre-dental student from Novi, Michigan and a close friend who I have seen grow as a professional through her undergrad experience.

What are some of your most memorable moments at MSU?

Some of my most memorable moments have been spending time with my friends. I feel that the bonds I have created will last a lifetime. These are people I can trust with anything. We all motivate each other to be the best people we can be, and it is always the best time when I am with them. The time I spend with them is always very memorable, and I cherish every moment. 

What do you think are your greatest accomplishments in your academic journey so far?

I think some of my greatest accomplishments are from the clubs I have joined and the leadership positions I have attained in them. Currently, I am President of Pre-Dental club, Treasurer for Pre-Health council, and Volunteer Chair for Haven House MSU. All of these clubs have shaped my experience at MSU significantly because they have helped me become a better leader and I have learned how to address many real life situations. 

What are your plans for the future?

I plan to attend dental school after graduating from MSU in the fall. I am planning on applying to dental school this cycle and I am very excited and nervous at the same time! After dental school, I hope to pursue a career as a general dentist. 

What made you choose dentistry? 

I chose dentistry because I really like the hands-on aspect of it. I also like the physician-patient relationship that can be established over a long period of time, since dentists see their patients every six months or less. To me, dentistry is an art where you are able to create things for people that could change their lives. 

Do you have any advice for people wanting to pursue dentistry?

Some advice I have for people wanting to go into dentistry is to get involved in clubs in undergrad and to find mentors sooner rather than later. Something that helped me significantly was finding an upperclassman early on as a freshman. She advised me and helped me come up with a game plan of what classes to take and what to get involved in, and I was able to take that advice. It has helped me so much. 

Hi! My name is Meghana Jalagam, and I am a senior at MSU. I am double majoring in neuroscience and psychology, and I am on the pre-med track. My passions outside of school are dancing, reading, writing, trying new foods, and being social!