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My top ten Self Care Tips for Finals Week at MSU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

College students around the globe return to campus after Thanksgiving anticipating the most stressful two weeks of the year. After six semesters of practice, I have finally cultivated a calming and balanced ritual to use during these stressful times. 

Cultivating a Calm Space 

Creating a space that allows you to focus on studying, projects, and final essays is key to a successful week. I take the time to put away my laundry that has been askew all semester, wash my dishes, change my sheets, and light a candle. I find it much easier to find the motivation to focus on my priorities when I wake up in a clean space. As someone who has a busy schedule and hectic days, my space usually reverts back to a tornado of clothes by the end of the day. Taking the time each night to tidy up your space will help the productive momentum continue all week long!

Nourishing your body

It can be easy to forget to eat three meals a day when you are on the finals grind. As someone who lives off campus and does not have a meal plan, I like to go shopping for foods, and snacks that will help keep me fueled all day long. I typically like to go for easy things to prepare like fruits, veggies, pita chips, etc. For my meals I typically meal prep, but sometimes I opt for a rotisserie chicken to munch on. I like to choose foods that I enjoy and also foods that will keep my brain powered. 

One of my new favorite things to make is an ‘adrenal cocktail.’ This is a non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated drink anytime, but specifically when you feel that afternoon slump. Although it may be tempting to reach for another cup of coffee, I guarantee you that your body is begging for hydration and nutrients. Here is a link to my favorite Adrenal Cocktail Recipe.


As someone who is more extroverted, I find it easier to stay productive and energized when surrounded by my friends and peers. It also helps hold me accountable when I easily get distracted. Even if it’s just choosing to study in a common space or coffee shop it will make the miserable week feel a little more tolerable. 

Giving your brain a break

Scheduling breaks into my study session has become the most effective way to get the most amount of work done without burning out. I like to set a timer for 30-45 minutes while I work on something and then take a 5-10 minute break. Instead of going on my phone during a break I try to get up, walk around, talk to someone, or get a snack.

When your day of studying is over, I recommend making space to do something that sparks joy for you as a way to unwind. This could be watching a comfort show, or it could be painting, hanging out with friends, etc. Whatever it is, this part of the day is just as important as studying. 

Making Playlists! 

One of my favorite ways to unwind is to make playlists and listen to music. I recommend making three playlists for finals weeks. An uplifting playlist to get you going when all you feel like doing is laying in bed; a study playlist that will keep you focused; and lastly a playlist that will help you unwind after a long day or a stressful exam.

Use On Campus resources

No matter where you attend school, there will always be resources available during finals week. Michigan State University offers fun things during finals week like emotional support dogs, tutoring, free goodies on campus, etc. Mental health resources like CAPS have drop-in opportunities if you need someone to talk to. 

Affirmation Cards 

I am a firm believer that everyone should have their own affirmation deck. These decks of cards typically have an uplifting message on them that you read yourself. Finals week can be especially triggering for things like imposter syndrome, and low self-esteem related to productivity and grades. It is important to remind yourself that you are capable of achieving all that you set out to do. It is equally important to remember that you are not defined by your productivity or grades. If you don’t want to drop twenty dollars on a deck of affirmation cards, you can make them yourself by writing down affirmations that you would like to say to yourself! 

Link to a list of Daily Affirmations: 

Links to some of my favorite affirmation decks: 

Daily Affirmation Cards for Women

Positive Affirmation Cards Kit for Women

Hack Your Nervous System Card Deck

Move your body!

Often finals week involves a lot of sitting to study, sitting through long exams, and laying down to rest. It is important to get your body moving to boost your mood and lower stress. Moving your body every day also aids in memory and thinking which is essential for finals week. Whether it’s your 30-minute walk to class, a trip to the gym, or a post-study dance party, find a way to allow yourself to move every day! 

Allowing space for your emotions 

The combinations of finals week, the holidays, and the regular stressors of life can be all consuming and hard to see past. It is normalized to study all night and neglect your human needs, especially letting out that emotion. Some universities have traditions like MSU’s midnight scream, where students scream out of their windows at midnight each night of finals week. This scream can be therapeutic, but it is also important to allow space for all emotions. If you don’t go to therapy or have a designated space for this, I recommend keeping a designated journal to let out all and any thoughts, feelings, and emotions that may be weighing you down. It may feel easier to hold these thoughts in and push them aside for the week, but I guarantee you that letting those emotions out will decrease your stress, and help you unwind at the end of the night. 

Nightly De-stress routine 

If the midnight scream and journaling wasn’t enough to fully relax your body, I recommend creating a de-stress routine that allows your brain to relax as well as your body. Personally, I like to start this routine with a hot cup of herbal tea and a late-night snack. I pair this with my favorite show; Queer Eye. 

After this, I will do some self-care for my body. This is the perfect time to play that unwind playlist we talked about earlier. No matter what kind of day I had, I always find time to wash my face and brush my teeth. I follow this with my skincare routine, which I like to spice up during finals week. I like to do a face mask or something to give myself some extra love. 

Once that’s done I choose an activity that doesn’t involve a screen like journaling, reading, or coloring until I am ready to tuck myself in for the night. 

I hope that these tips help you focus on your physical and mental well-being this finals week. Good luck, and remember that your grades are not a reflection of your self-worth. 

Emma George-Griffin has been a staff writer for the Michigan State University Chapter of Her Campus since fall of 2022, and an editor for the chapter since fall of 2023. George-Griffin is Senior at Michigan State University Studying Journalism with a minor in Documentary Production. She plans on earning her bachelor's degree from Michigan State University in the spring of 2025 and plans to earn her master's at NYU following her graduation. When she isn't working or in class, George-Griffin enjoys spending time in nature, reading Tarot, writing and binge- watching Drag Race.