Pretty much everyone that chooses to study a second language in college goes into it thinking it will take much less time than expected, and it will be much easier than it actually is. Even I can attest to this. I’ve been studying Italian for the past four years, and I am still nowhere near as proficient as I would like to be.
At the end of the day, even though you wouldn’t take back studying a second language, you can’t help but think:
1. I’ll be fluent by the time I graduate… NOT.
2. Why did I choose to study a second language again?
3. (After running into someone that speaks the language you’re studying and you attempt to conversate)
Yup, definitely not as proficient as I thought…
4. Why are verb conjugations and gender articles a thing? My pencil isn’t a woman; it’s just a pencil!
5. Someday I’ll move to ___ and be able to speak perfectly!
6. And I thought this would be so easy that I could take on a third language… Nope!
7. Can we just have a Nutella party in class today?
8. What would I do without Google Translate?
9. I have no idea what my professor is saying half of the time.
10. Slow down; I can’t translate that fast!
11. Did I really just have a dream in ___ ?!