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What Your MSU Campus Spot is Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Zodiac signs are infamous. Some people read into their birth charts, analyzing every single detail, while others outright despise them. Astrology is the study of predicting events through observing and interpreting the sun, fixed stars, and the moon. Whether you think you have the stereotypical traits of your sign or not, it can be fun to read into situations. At a large campus like Michigan State University, we have numerous locations around campus that attract different personalities and vibes. We compiled a list of the best campus spots for each zodiac sign based on personal intuition and research into the astrological signs. Read on to find out if your zodiac sign got your favorite spot!

aries – IM west

Aries is a fire sign known for their competitiveness and high energy. What better relates to this than the largest free gym on the MSU campus? Those with Aries traits like these could enjoy a nice workout or pickup game with friends at this enormous gym.

Taurus – library

The MSU Library is a large and gorgeous spot filled with resources, perfect for attempting to feel like an academic weapon. We can see a Taurus, a sign considered extremely loyal, being devoted to their studies at this iconic spot. Their independent personality leads us to believe they could find themselves loving a study session with some close friends or some quiet time by themselves at the iconic library.

gemini – brody square

Everyone has heard somebody say they wished they lived in Brody Square or heard someone brag that they do. The most popular set of dorms, and home to what’s considered the best dining hall by some, Brody Square seems like a spot where Geminis can flourish. A perfect campus spot for an outgoing Gemini personality to find lots of students enjoying the many things to do.

cancer – Beaumont tower

One of the oldest and most picturesque buildings on campus, Beaumont Tower is a beautiful piece of MSU’s history. Home to the Tower Guard, a second-year student organization focused on accessibility and partnered with RCPD, Beaumont Tower is filled with passionate students. Whether it’s student organizations that meet on the lawn or other events going on in the area, Cancers can appreciate the joys of being a part of the Spartan community at Beaumont Tower.

leo – CATA bus station

The CATA bus is known to all as a free bus service for students. At the heart of campus, the CATA bus station is hard to miss. It’s a loud, bustling hub filled with students going all across campus. At the individual stops outside places like Akers Hall or Case Hall, the CATA buses are not afraid to be the center of attention. After all, what is more attention-demanding than the CATA bus stopping outside of your dorm at 7 a.m.? The packed bus rides traveling throughout campus encompass Leo’s confident energy and undeniable presence.

virgo – beal botanical garden

As an earth sign, it seemed inevitable that Virgo was destined for the Beal Botanical Garden. However, there are many reasons for this. To start, Virgos represent the diligent efforts of staff to keep the Botanical Garden running year-round because of their typical traits like organization, perfectionism, and caring nature. The Botanical Garden also is a beautiful place that allows for relaxation which would be especially nice for Virgos after a long week of working hard.

Libra – union

The MSU Union is arguably amongst the most iconic spots on campus, so it is perfect to compare to a high-achieving cardinal sign like Libra. Libra’s empathetic attitude is ideal for the safe-feeling study places the Union brings to Michigan State. The fact that the Union has classrooms, a computer lab, a game room, Sparty’s, a spirit store, and Strange Matter Coffee is a perfect option for Libra’s indecisiveness.

Scorpio – spartan stadium

Intense, adaptive, and a force to be reckoned with, Spartan Stadium and Scorpios share multiple traits. On game days, Spartans flock to the stadium with high spirits. Crowds gather, tailgates commence, something is always going on. Scorpios are able to go with the flow of the crowd, no matter what situation they’re in, making Spartan Stadium a great place for them to claim as their own.

sagittarius – breslin

Perhaps one of the most famous places on campus, Breslin is home to the Izzone and the basketball team. However, many other events are hosted there throughout the year. Sagittarius are notorious for being adventurous individuals, so Breslin allows them to get a taste of a variety of occasions. As a fire sign, they also bring a lot of much-needed excitement and hype to lively basketball games, concerts, and more.

capricorn – wells hall

The list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Wells Hall. Most students will have at least one class or meeting here throughout their college years at MSU. Known for being a busy place filled with all sorts of activities, it makes sense that Capricorns would fit in here seeing as they’re known for their work ethic and goal-oriented nature. Whether that goal is acing a test or attending a club meeting, Capricorns will find something worthwhile to accomplish.

aquarius – international center

Unique and with many layers, the International Center is a great fit for Aquarius. Inside the building, there is the Crossroads Food Court with beloved favorites, the ID office, and the MSU bookstore. Aquarius is open-minded to trying new things, so having numerous places packed into one building is fantastic for Aquarius.

pisces – minskoff pavilion

The daydreamers of the zodiac sign, Pisces would thrive in an innovative environment like the Minskoff Pavilion, a key part of the Eli Broad College of Business. The building itself is newer with many additions like the Panera, and it is a popular spot for students to study or chat. Pisces would appreciate the space to be creative since numerous ideas are formed in the Minskoff Pavilion.

Each Zodiac sign has a unique vibe and set of stereotypical traits that can resonate with different spots on the world’s best campus. These are just some fun cosmic connections we came up with between these two things, but who knows, maybe the stars will lead you to a place on campus where you find yourself feeling comfortable, maybe even a place you love!

Jordan Benzing is a staff writer at the Michigan State University chapter of Her Campus. She is also an assistant on the events team. This is her second semester with HCMSU. Benzing is a sophomore at Michigan State University studying Kinesiology. In her free time, Jordan enjoys reading, traveling, listening to music, watching movies, and attending hockey games with her friends.
Tait is a second-year student at Michigan State University. This is her third semester as an HC chapter member. Tait is a psychology major who has always been passionate about the subject. She also loves to read and write, she was in her high school literature club, which inspired her to join HC. When she is not reading or studying, Tait enjoys spending lots of time outside. She loves to be with her friends and is always consuming copious amounts of media.