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Why Moms Rock Our Socks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.


It is no secret that every girl thinks her mom is the best. Not only did she BIRTH you, she’s always been your day-one ride-or-die. Moms are our first best friends, top-secret confidants, world-renowned therapists, personal shoppers, sous chefs; the list goes on and on. Here are eight reasons why moms ROCK.


1. She supports you through everything.

Whether it be your first T-Ball game or your fifth middle school break-up of the week, mom had your back through it all. You might have swung and missed three consecutive times, but she was still rooting for you alongside the other parents. Matt might have broken up with you two days before your 16th birthday, but you know that mom had already taken the night off work and was treating you to mani/pedis and dinner out. She gets you that way.


2. She knows all of your favorite foods.

Moms just know that the peanut butter to jelly ratio has to be 3:1 and that tomatoes are the food of Satan. They know that you’d choose breakfast for dinner nine times out of 10 and to never allow the Nutella supply to run out.


3. She stuck with you through every awkward stage.

And let’s be honest, every time we thought one stage was over another one was quickly approaching. She loved you through straight-across bangs, gauchos and even when you rocked bejeweled flare jeans. She took thousands of pictures at your middle school graduation, despite your nose being 10 times too big for your face.


4. She was there for all of your “firsts.”

Whether it be your first razor or first bra, mom was there from start to finish. She bought you your first Lip Smacker’s lip gloss and even let you wear it for school pictures. She held your hand as you half-stumbled, half-walked in your first pair of heels.


5. She taught you how to use a tampon.

And God bless her soul for doing just that. Without her, we’d all be walking around in diaper-feel-a-likes. Mom’s win the Pulitzer Prize of ‘Mom Awards’ for taking one for the team like that.


6. She documented every minute of your childhood.

Whether it’s baby books, 50 photo albums or a maze of plastic tubs filled with schoolwork, that woman loved you so stinkin’ much that she felt the need to capture it all. It’s a tradition to watch family videos around Christmastime, and going through old homework assignments makes you nostalgic of simpler times.  


7. You literally “got it from yo mama.”

Nothing makes you smile bigger than someone mentioning how similar you look and act like mom. As if passing down her good looks wasn’t awesome enough, she graced you with hilariously dorky phrases and actions.

Example 1: The Squat Dance (verb) – Groovin’ yo thang on the dance floor, but really just doing glorified squats to the music.

Example 2: “Play the Tape to the End” (phrase) – We’ve never really known the exact meaning of this one, but somehow it effectively made us think twice about our decisions.


8. She loves you unconditionally.

No. Matter. What. Moms love every fiber of your being, and there is nothing that you could do to change that. Through every up and down in life, she puts your happiness before hers. How wonderful is that?


You rock moms. And we love you.

Feminist | Editor | Lesbian