Year: 2013
Major: Biology/Pre-Med
Hometown: Williamstown, Massachusetts.
Relationship Status: Single.
Why did you join the V8s? “I was in an a-cappella group in High School and I really wanted to continue singing at Mount Holyoke. I auditioned in my Freshman year and got in. I also thought it would be a great way to spend most of my time here.”
What do you love most about the V8s? I love the music we sing and the girls that are in the group.
How long have you been singing for? “I’ve been singing since I was five years old. My mom used to sing all the time and I would sing with her.”
What are some of the challenges to being in the V8s? Its hard to balance school work with rehearsals because we rehearse for seven hours each week.
If you could go on a date with anyone, who would it be? Rafael Nadal.
What do you do on the weekends? I’ll either be studying, at rehearsals or spending time with my friends.
If you were stuck on a deserted island, what would you bring? “I would bring a boom box, an air mattress and Frannie McBrian.”