Name: Phyu-Sin Than
Hometown: Washington, DC
Major: International Relations
Year: 2015
What do you love most about HerCampus?
I love HerCampus because it allows students to explore their unique voices in the realm of an online publication. HerCampus is great for catching up with news across campuses and of course, as someone from a women’s college, I love that HerCampus is targeted towards women and has a huge potential to empower them. I think its a great outlet to bring important issues to the forefront of a nationally read online publication.
Why did you decide to join HerCampus Mount Holyoke?
I decided to join HerCampus Mount Holyoke because it was an alternative writing style to my usual Op/Ed pieces in the Mount Holyoke News. It is also a lot more flexible and covers a wide array of fun topics. Its also a way for me to get involved with students who are interested in the same kinds of lifestyle publications as myself.
What is your ideal job?
My ideal job is a policy research analyst for a global business consulting firm or a multinational corporation. I love studying economic policies, their implementations and how it impacts ordinary citizens.
What is your favorite magazine?
I’m a huge fan of The Economist and BBC online, although BBC is not considered a magazine. My favorite fashion and lifestyle magazines are of course, HerCampus and Refinery29. I also follow bloggers like ClassyGirlsWearPearls and ExtraPetite.
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
I cant believe I would be 30 by then! I don’t want to be married or have kids, so I would hopefully be working in many different countries with businesses across the globe. Who really knows, the future is so uncertain, but I know that I refuse to be in a cubicle!
What do you do on the weekends?
I try my best to get off campus and explore the local community. But, I am often in my dorm catching up on work during the day and perhaps attending some parties at night. Sometimes, I have horse shows for the equestrian teams over the weekends.
Why did you decide to study abroad next year?
I decided to study abroad because I really need to gain fluency in Spanish. I have been studying the language since I was in 6th grade and I still butcher everything. I deicded to specifically study in Chile because I have a huge interest of ethnic cultures in the Andes and I think Chile has a very important history in Latin America. I also want to travel and do all the fun touristy things like riding in the Andes or hiking the Patagonia, and if possible, I would love to go to Cape Horn!