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How to Balance Your Classes and Social Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Muhlenberg chapter.

As the school year begins, you may find it difficult to stay motivated. You might just want to hang out with friends instead of cracking open that book. But, it’s important to remember what you’re at school for. Here are some ways to balance academics and a social life:

Work Ahead

Instead of waiting until all the work piles up, try to get ahead in your classes! Check your professors’ syllabi so you can see what is due. That way, you can get a head start! You will feel so much better when you don’t procrastinate!

Take Care of Yourself

If you don’t take care of yourself, how can you put your all in school and friends? Taking time for yourself can mean anything from working out or putting on a face mask for a self-pampering night. Getting more sleep is also a crucial part when it comes to taking care of yourself. When you’re well rested, you will be more motivated to do well in school and spend quality time with your friends.

Resist Temptation

I know it may be hard to decline invitations for social events, but only you know the amount of workload you have. It might be a Thursday night and all of your friends are going out, but you have a huge exam on Friday morning. Follow your gut. If you don’t feel prepared, skip the party. You have the rest of the year to go out, but you only have one chance at taking the exam!

With these tips in mind, hopefully, you’ll tackle the year head-on, stay motivated, and also have fun while doing it!

Emily Garber

Muhlenberg '21

Muhlenberg College Content Editor