With election day coming up on November 3rd, many celebrities are using their social media platforms to encourage young people to vote. Here are some of the many celebrities that are spreading the word!
In the past, Taylor Swift has not been known to voice her political opinion, but this month she broke her silence to show her support for Democrats in the upcoming election. She wrote a long caption on one of her Instagram pictures stating that she will vote for candidates that will protect and fight for equality for everyone in the U.S. She wrote, “Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values. For a lot of us, we may never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on every issue, but we have to vote anyway.” She wanted her fans to know that their voices matter in every election, and her post really made a difference; “within 24 hours, more than 166,000 people registered to vote shortly before the deadline”
Rihanna also recently posted a picture of the last days to vote in every state on her Instagram; she captioned the photo with “We don’t have time, no procrastinating, don’t let the discouragement take you off course, that’s not how my people or my generation will go down…this is the loudest way to make your voice heard!” She encouraged her 65 million followers to go to Vote.org to make sure that they are registered to vote.
Chance the Rapper reached out to his followers on Twitter; being that he is well known for giving back to Chicago and speaking out about his political views, he is also dedicated to spreading the message about voting and registering to vote. Two years ago, Chance teamed up with the NAACP to encourage more Black people to vote by handing out voter registration forms. Recently, he has been retweeting Chicago activists that have been explaining the voting process.
Another musician, John Legend has been tweeting about voting registration; he wrote, “make sure you’re registered. Then vote like our future depends on it!” He has been vocal about supporting Democrat Stacey Abrams for Governor of Georgia and has been “campaigning for reinstating voter rights to a number of citizens with criminal convictions in Florida.” He wants as much as people to be apart of our democracy.
A number of other celebrities, such as Janelle Monae, Tom Hanks, Eva Longoria, and Brendan Urie have also been encouraging their followers to vote on November 3rd!