Hi Muhlenberg! If you don’t know me, my name is Ali Senal and I am a senior majoring in Theatre and Jewish Studies.
I joined the Her Campus team my sophomore year and the first year we launched on campus. I had seen the other sources of news and editorial content on Muhlenberg’s campus and I didn’t feel like anyone was tapping into the issues that truly mattered to our community. Since Her Campus was a new organization, I thought that it might be different. As a writer, I always strived to tackle the tough issues that might have been on people’s minds. However, I still never felt as if Muhlenberg Her Campus reached its full potential. The truth is, we were never in touch with the Muhlenberg community in the ways we needed to be. I want to change this.
When I was offered the position of Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief of Muhlenberg Her Campus, I jumped at the opportunity because I wanted us to become the place that Muhlenberg turned to for news and editorial content. With the state of the world today, we need to be focusing on real issues that matter to the Muhlenberg community and that matter in the world community today. We are looking for voices that have something to say. Her Campus welcomes writers of all gender identities, race, political persuasion, or religion. The only way to create content that appeals to the whole Muhlenberg community is by allowing all members of our community to contribute, uncensored.
So what does this mean for our readers? This year you should expect content that will move past the “click-bait journalism.” We are here to talk about issues that have an impact on your lives. If you think we are not meeting this expectation, I want to know. You can email me anytime at Muhlenberg@hercampus.com. If there is an issue that you think we need to tackle, please also send me an email. We want to hear your voice.
I’m looking forward to an amazing year, Muhlenberg!
Ali Senal