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What Your Study Spot in Trexler Library Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Muhlenberg chapter.

Finals week has arrived, and Trexler Library is about to get a lot more popular than usual. Whether you’re studying for your BioChem exam or slaving over a paper for English Romanticism, you know it’s time to say hello again to your favorite spot in the library. What does your study spot say about you? Find out below.

1. A-Level, At a Group Table

You’re a bubbly socialite and a people-person at heart, but you’re freaking out about that final tomorrow (which you haven’t started studying for yet). You came here with your group of friends to have a “study party,” but admittedly, there isn’t much studying happening. You’ve said, “Guys, I don’t want to do this” while hugging your laptop about twenty times in the past hour. Around 1 AM, you and your friends will end up ordering Dominos and deliriously laughing at a gif of a kitten.

2. A-Level, In a Cubicle

If asked about your choice of study spot, you’ll reply that you like the “white noise” and background chatter of the A Level. That’s a lie: you were definitely too done with finals to walk down to the B or C level (understandably so). A caffeine addict at heart, you’ve spent more time wondering whether you should indulge in a third cup from the coffee machine than studying.

3. B-Level, Crammed in a Corner

You don’t know how this happened. Last night, you had planned to get to the library early, get a good seat, and start studying. But then, final-itis struck, and you couldn’t get out of bed until 4 PM. It happens to the best of us. Sadly, when you finally made it to the library, all the seats were taken instead of this one. Now you have no space to move and are forced to listen to your next-door cubicle neighbor chew chips loudly for the next few hours. Sigh.

4. B-Level, Near a Window

A romantic at heart, you’re probably studying for some course in the humanities right now. You are also smart and prompt: you got to the B Level earlier today and snagged the window seat. Congratulations! However, your eyes keep drifting to the window, to the sun glinting on the grass outside, to the students enjoying the great outdoors… hey! Get back to work.

5. On the Couches Near the Stairs

You’re a nonconformist who doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. You came here with two or three friends with pillows and blankets, ready to study as long as you need to and catch some zzz’s if needed. You basically planned a sleepover in the library. You’ve gotten a couple of weird looks from people passing by, but you know they’re secretly jealous. Stay golden.


6. C-Level, Near the Entrance

You’re a C-Level Virgin. Not super committed to the idea, but knowing you had to get work done, you pressed “C” in the Trexler Library elevator with caution, your heart thumping. You nervously wandered through the forest that is the C level, finally settling on a cubicle near the stairs where you could make a quick escape if needed. Someone just shushed you for rustling your papers. Ouch.

7. C-Level, In a Middle Cubicle

You’re a no-nonsense gal who knows what she wants. You strode down the stairs of Trexler with your sweatpants, laptop, and annotated books in tow, ready to camp out. You probably have color-coded folders and notebooks for each class and still use your planner from the beginning of the year. Despite your comfortable exterior, however, you’ve been dying for the past few hours.



Good luck on your finals, everyone! 

Pixie blonde-haired female compared to Tinkerbell on a daily basis. Talks about her mom way too often. Inspirations: Leslie Knope and her dog. Interests: Singing, acting, writing, and talking about herself in third person.