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Artificial Intelligence: A Boon or a Threat to Humanity

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MUJ chapter.

We live in a world where our furniture has the potential to be smarter than us, which shows technology has become an integral part of our lives. People of almost every age group are dependent on technology in some way or the other. One of the biggest developments of technology has certainly been Artificial Intelligence, a digital genius that even completes our sentences.

AI: The Brainchild That Never Sleeps

Scientists sat and questioned, “What if machines could think?” It led to the birth of Artificial Intelligence or, in other words, a friend, an assistant, a teacher, a student, a genius. Okay, so it’s not very fun for me to say AI or Artificial Intelligence throughout the entire article. I’ll call it Zody for the time being (it’s AI, it gives me the liberty to call it whatever I want). 

The development of Zody was a journey of rapid advancements and profound implications. In recent years, it has created a strong impact on the human race. From being a source of entertainment to performing mundane tasks more efficiently than humans, Zody is one of us now!

An Amazing Friend

Whether it’s helping you to avoid traffic, suggesting a good movie, or telling you what the next item on your shopping list is, Zody is like a shadow you didn’t know you needed. 

Zody helps the human race in almost all sectors. It can automate repetitive tasks, help in data analysis, and can also simplify complex codes for us. You just switched Netflix on and you don’t know what to watch? Zody is there to help you. Do you continuously forget to take that medicine? No problem, Zody will remind you every time. Are you a student and you need help with tons of assignments and the neverending syllabus? Zody will be your personal teacher. “Hey Zody, add some apples in my cart.” Your wish is its command. Zody will always keep a count of your calories, your workout sessions, your hydration level, your sleep patterns, and whatnot. As I mentioned before, it’s literally like your shadow, just a digital one. It will help you pick your favourite restaurants and sometimes can also be a matchmaker! All your travel worries are covered by it. Zody never lets you down and can do anything to make your life simpler and more productive.

AI: A Spoiled Child

Well, as they say, “Understanding is a 3 edged sword. Your side, their side, and the truth in the middle.” There is a dark side of Zody that people tend to ignore. Our cute, little, invisible Zody has led to various ethical and societal debates. It’s the shiny new toy the world has been introduced to. Zody learns from what it’s fed. 

When it comes to the side of technology that can be accessible easily and can quite literally do anything like humans, it’s no surprise to also come across the fact that it can lead to an increased number of crimes. This digital shadow of yours is also capable of automating and enhancing cyberattacks. Zody can hack your information and it can easily be misused if not taken precautions.

It can create realistic fake videos and audio recordings, which can be used to spread misinformation, incite violence, or damage reputations. Zody is also capable of financial fraud. 

Apart from these crimes, Zody is capable of larger attacks on regions, states, or even countries. As AI continues to evolve, so too does its potential for misuse. The threat of AI being leveraged by terrorists is not merely speculative; it is a real and present danger that requires urgent attention.

What can be done?

Undoubtedly, artificial intelligence has been a wonderful addition to our society, but keeping in mind the way it can exploit humanity, we can’t let Zody run wild and free. So, go ahead, and unleash your inner mad scientist by experimenting with Zody– but remember to keep things safe, sane, and supervised. There will be no use of this advancement of technology if people start to use it against the existence of each other. Who knows? With the right approach, your AI might just become your new best friend.. or at least not your worst enemy, and my Zody can be your Turbo.

For more such pieces, visit HerCampus at MUJ!

Meet Manu Rana, a vibrant force of creativity and enthusiasm. She is an editor and events director at Her Campus, MUJ and is currently pursuing her B.Tech. in IT. With a pen in one hand and a diary in another, she navigates through a world full of words, jotting them down to write poems and articles. She seamlessly balances out work, academics and social life and is always ready for new experiences. Manu started to develop interest in writing in childhood itself and also loves to be a part of public speaking events. A lover of community and connection, she is always excited to make new memories filled with laughter and joy. In her free time, Manu can be found listening to music, watching shows and going on random walks. Hoping that you guys will like her work, she'll keep posting articles regarding new topics and updates.