If we go through the pages of human history, it has been evident that evolution and changes have played an essential part in the holistic development of an individual as well as a society. As cliché as it might sound, even today in the twenty-first century; change remains the only constant and we’re all striving to become better versions of ourselves everyday while trying to accept what we presently are. It takes time for us to undergo the metamorphosis, sometimes even identifying that we need one or are undergoing one becomes tough. But isn’t it worth it?
In a world where equality still remains a distant dream and equal wage pay is only a mere say, upscaling and adding to your skill set, especially, for a woman, becomes both a dire curiosity and necessity. In fact, learning and growth are lifetime processes: a manifold of researches have shown that continuously teaching the brain new things keeps the brain cells actively running thereby reducing cognitive loss and memory decline that accompanies aging. When you ardently decide to increase the number of skills on your Resume or even polish up the hobbies that are hidden in the corners of your home, you convert yourself into a more valuable asset, a better member of the nation’s workforce and truly the core of development: human capital.
Another significant factor is the dynamic and ever-changing demand of the job market where the labour force is constantly competing to become multi talented and multitasking, simultaneously, increasing the chances of permanent exclusion from the job market for the ones who fail to keep pace with requisites of additional skills. As we live in a multifaceted world, looking out for new options is always a good idea to secure a more well paid and personal growth satisfying role in an organisation. Talking particularly about women, who scientifically speaking are better learners, an extra set of skills might help them in securing a job out of the domain that they are working in, and transfer it into something more beneficial for their self growth. The age-old belief that once you’re already working at a particular position, you should not change it because of job security and income stability issues is totally a myth, which needs to be busted right away. Upscaling should be a side by side process while having stable financial resources to make ends meet and use them to acquire a better position as and when needed. It perhaps is the need of the time, something which all of us should aspire for. Women can be truly empowered when they consistently work in order to become the best possible versions of themselves and maximise their potential and upscaling is the key to this process.
In retrospect, summarising all the above, upscaling, indeed is an intricate and miraculous process of metamorphosis which obviously is no cake walk but inevitably life changing. It’s similar to how they change the most mesmerisingly scented roses into mystical perfumes, and the finest of grapes into the most expensive wines. So once you decide to let go of your fears and step out of the cages of your mind and the society, adding a skill will indeed make you a more polished gem and super fine!