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Echoes of Love: How My Grandmother Moulded My Life

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MUJ chapter.

Dear dadi, 

I hope you’re happy and in peace wherever you are. This article is a small token to show how much I love you and miss you.

The mark of a grandparent’s love is something that stays within us long after they’re gone. My grandmother had an exceptional way of touching my life through her storytelling, her cooking, her scolding, her laughing at my lame jokes and her endless care. Her influence is something, I can still feel every day. Considering her influence highlights, not only the extent of her affection, but also the lasting impact she has made. My grandmother was a masterful storyteller, her tales, full of ancient gods and divine lessons, weren’t just stories; they were lessons in morality and spirituality. Each  was a piece of our cultural heritage intricately woven with the threads of our cultural beliefs. Through her stories, she gave me a sense of spirituality that still feels deep and meaningful, her stories are guiding me through life’s challenges with lessons that I hold onto today. Her storytelling was more than just a bedtime ritual; it was a formative experience. The deities she spoke of were not only figures of worship but symbols of virtues like compassion, justice, freedom & knowledge. These narratives laid a foundation for my spiritual growth, guiding me through the complexities and difficulties of life with lessons that I carry to this day. 

Her impact wasn’t just spiritual. Her cooking was legendary in our family. The kitchen was her special place, and every meal she made was a reflection of her love and creativity. I vividly remember the comforting routine after school, where a hot, delicious meal awaited me. Garam roti, fresh from the tandoor, always accompanied by a bowl of mixed fruits prepared in such a delightful manner that it was impossible to refuse. Her meals were not only about nourishment; they were about creating moments of joy and togetherness. Each bite was a reminder of her affection and knack for making even the simplest foods taste heavenly. And her homemade remedies, or ‘ghar ke nuske,’ always seemed to work wonders and would cure anyone immediately.

Her culinary skills extended to veggies as well. She had an unrivaled ability to prepare them in ways that made them attractive. To this day, I can eat any vegetable without hesitation, a testament to her ability to make them taste good. Her meals were more than just feeding the stomach; they also provided comfort and satisfaction.

Each morning, my grandmother would greet me with a warm hug, calling me her “pyaara tunna”, a nickname she reserved just for me. Her affectionate embrace was a reassuring start to the day. She would meticulously braid my hair into two ponytails, ensuring I was ready to face the day with comfort and style. Before any exam, she had a special ritual: she would give me a spoonful of ‘dahi cheeni’ as a good luck charm, a gesture that combined her belief in traditional practices with her unwavering support for me. These small acts of care and ritual were not just about preparation; they were about instilling confidence and nurturing a sense of security.

Her care went beyond the kitchen and daily routines. My grandmother had a special knack for protecting me from the harsher realities of life. Whenever I faced criticism or scolding, especially from my parents, she would step in with steadfast support. She often stood between me and others, shielding me with her presence and compassion. Her encouragement provided a haven from the outside world.

One of her favourite sayings was “interest is more valuable than the principal amount,” a playful nod to the fact that she saw me as the cherished “interest” while my father was the “principal” amount. Her humour and wisdom, in this regard, highlighted her deep affection, and the special bond we shared. She understood the value of nurturing and protecting with a light-hearted yet profound approach.

Now, as I go through life without her, her absence is deeply felt. The stories that once filled my evenings, the meals that used to mark our shared moments, and the care that soothed me are no longer part of my daily life. Yet, her influence is still very much with me, guiding my decisions and thoughts. Her memory inspires me to live by the values she taught me. Though I deeply miss her comforting presence, I find solace in the echo of her love that continues to reverberate within me.

Grandparents, like my grandmother, hold a special place in our lives. Their influence extends beyond their physical presence, embedding itself in the very fabric of who we are. They guide us, mentor us, and offer unconditional love, often stepping in to shield us from life’s challenges. In the grand tapestry of life, grandparents are the threads that add depth and richness, connecting our past with our future through a love that endures.

To honor my grandmother’s memory, I strive to embody the virtues she cherished and to pass on the stories and traditions she held dear. Her legacy is a demonstration of the enduring impact that a grandparent’s love can have. As I continue to navigate my path, I do so with the knowledge that her spirit is an integral part of who I am— a guiding light that has shaped my actions and my understanding of the world and the people in it.

Her storytelling was the path for me to start my spiritual journey, her culinary skills enriched my family experiences, and her care during times of illness provided a foundation of unfaltering support. Her daily rituals, from affectionate hugs and ponytails to the dahi cheeni before exams, added a layer of warmth and encouragement that shaped my self-confidence and thought process. 

Though her physical presence is no longer with me, her influences and teachings remain a guiding light, reminding me of the enduring power of a grandparent’s love. 

I really miss you and I hope to make you proud of the person I’m becoming :)

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Sharishtha is currently in her second year pursuing BA LLB hons (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Legislative Law) at Manipal University Jaipur. With a keen interest in legal discourse, women's empowerment, gender parity, and societal complexities, she utilizes her passion for writing to explore and advocate for transformative change. Sharishtha has actively contributed to various publications, using writing as a medium to articulate her perspectives on critical issues. Her writing ethos resonates deeply with Mohammed Qahtani's quote, "Words have power, words are power, words could be your power," highlighting her belief in the influential potential of language to shape narratives and drive societal progress. Currently engaged with HerCampus, Sharishtha finds a meaningful platform to share insightful perspectives on contemporary global issues, combining her academic pursuits with her passion for writing to contribute meaningfully to important conversations.