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Freshman Survival Kit : A Guide to your First Year

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MUJ chapter.

Your time to enter college life? I know most of you are going through a rollercoaster of emotions. Confusion, anxiety, stress, excitement, and whatnot! Add some more emotions to the list if you’re packing your bags up and leaving your city. 

Graduating from school and entering into a whole new phase of life can be scary and exciting at the same time. Questions can strangulate your mind and a feeling of uncertainty might horrify you. Well, being a sophomore, this is my attempt to make all the freshly graduated school students find some peace in this hectic part of the show.

Fasten your seat belts because here’s your survival kit for the first year of one of the most memorable years of your life..

A new habitat

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” — Charles Darwin. Being as blunt as I can, no matter how much we curse our schools, you all are definitely going to miss having lunch on those benches and making jokes in your school uniforms. But, having made peace with the fact that your school days are over, let’s talk about the vast exposure you are going to get in this new era. In the beginning, college can seem tough to deal with but once you start embracing the diversity of a campus, you will start falling in love with it. Taking a few rounds to explore the surroundings of the campus, its socio-cultural life, canteens, fests, sports and events might not turn the tables in seconds, but will certainly help you adapt to your new environment in your freshman year. This brings me to the next element of your survival kit.


STOP! BEFORE ALL THE INTROVERTS CLOSE THIS TAB, JUST HEAR ME OUT.  A first aid kit is nothing without a disinfectant. A survival guide is nothing without this element. 

When you are in your 60’s or 70’s, sitting on a rocking chair with a bowl of soup in your hand, you would obviously want to cherish the life altering experiences and memories you created with your college friends. 

Building relationships with the right set of people will neither hurt nor snatch the older ones. Establishing a social network is essential for one’s emotional well being.

And this is not a movie set, you are not Abhimanyu or Shanaya and there is no background song playing while you are sitting in your sports car and entering college (SOTY reference, really sorry about that, lol). My only point is, you will have to work hard to build a social life to enhance your college experience because one of the biggest transitions from a school to a university is the insane increase in the number of students, so not interacting with them is a wasted resource. A campus holds so much diversity that you will definitely find the right set of friends you would want. Clubs can play a substantial role in helping you reconnect with your interests which you might have lost while preparing for exams towards the end of high school whilst at the same time might find you a strong network of people.

Getting involved and participating in events will definitely make you develop new skills and will certainly be a good start to this new phase.



Ahh! A cliched one right? Well, now since we have undergone the noteworthiness of having a social life in college, let’s talk about the most significant reason; why you’re in your college with your respective course. Coming from an environment where deadlines were not taken very seriously, missing a few classes rarely mattered, and teachers would be after your life to make you study, adjusting in a place where it’s the complete opposite can be overwhelming. In college, missing classes will affect your ability to appear in exams, deadlines for assignments and projects, your GPA, so everything is crucial. 

College courses require a different approach to learning than high school. Making study groups, applying critical thinking, being attentive in classes and taking notes then and there would suffice in the earlier semesters. Once you start getting the taste of your new college life, it might be difficult to study during the

last moment before exams. So, balancing everything and studying a bit early would do wonders. This brings me to the third element of the survival kit.

Achieving Balance

Well, you can’t pour from an empty cup, right? Thus, taking care of your mental and physical health is very important. Balancing your social life with your academics might seem an idealistic approach to college life but can get challenging at times. You only have to try to get into the habit of studying in small bits but from the very starting and simultaneously indulge yourself in your hobbies. Be it sports, music, dance, literature, or anything else, NEVER BACK OUT FROM THEM. Just set realistic goals, break them down into smaller, manageable tasks and celebrate your progress! Seeking support whenever required is the best thing you can do for yourself.

A Home – Away from home

I am talking to all of you who have decided to step out of your comfort zones and leave your houses. It is one of the most emotionally challenging experiences but IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT (no sugar coating)! Homesickness in the beginning is completely normal but its not going to stay for long.

There will be days in a few months when you are in your homes and all you will think about is those dorms. College life demands a higher level of independence and responsibility and you will gradually learn all of it in the months to come. You will find a home away from home.


Adjusting to college life can be challenging, but with the right mindset and strategies, it can become a transformative experience that you’ll cherish forever. Stressing over it is natural, but remember, you’re about to embark on a journey filled with growth, excitement, and countless opportunities. Embrace every moment, build lasting memories, and make the most of this incredible experience. One day, as you sit on that rocking chair, you’ll look back with a smile, knowing these were some of the best years of your life.

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Meet Manu Rana, a vibrant force of creativity and enthusiasm. She is an editor and events director at Her Campus, MUJ and is currently pursuing her B.Tech. in IT. With a pen in one hand and a diary in another, she navigates through a world full of words, jotting them down to write poems and articles. She seamlessly balances out work, academics and social life and is always ready for new experiences. Manu started to develop interest in writing in childhood itself and also loves to be a part of public speaking events. A lover of community and connection, she is always excited to make new memories filled with laughter and joy. In her free time, Manu can be found listening to music, watching shows and going on random walks. Hoping that you guys will like her work, she'll keep posting articles regarding new topics and updates.