College can be an overwhelming space for all the good reasons. We have been plunged, from our parents enrolling us to classes to us making the decisions in what curriculum we want to be a part of along the lines of our future expectations.
While this seems good and healthy, students might often forget the importance of balance and how it is crucial for one to inculcate various such facets to develop themselves as a person.
We believe university is the perfect and most likely the only opportunity where you can explore, make decisions, mistakes without any grave consequences.
Hence, juicing this opportunity to its optimum level is the key.
How can we do that? Well, it is easy. A student should introspect and understand what activities will benefit them in the long run (Which will look good for their post-graduation applications or/and job applications) but also not forgetting to hone and boost their hobbies and finding a new passion.
Moreover, pairing these activities with a good enough academic record, won’t only help you as a person but will be looked on highly if communicated in different settings.
This will help a student to bond and get to know various people who have come from different places with different outlooks which will enlighten you and make you grow as a person.
In conclusion, you should have an open mind about college in understanding what it can do for you.
We believe, if every student is motivated enough to try new things, maybe fail but be ready to do it all over again with something else. Is someone who will take home the most.