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Uncertainty: Why we stick to Bad Decisions

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MUJ chapter.

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MUJ chapter.

Since childhood, we have been conditioned to believe that answers are in black and white—either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ but never a ‘Maybe.’ Nobody has ever been rewarded for pausing, asking too many questions, or embracing the grey areas with straightaway answers always being admired. Whether it is fear of failure or pressure of not meeting society’s expectations, whenever faced with uncertainty, our brains tend to freeze. “What if I end up regretting it later” That’s when we rush to familiarity, to stick to what we know is right and to avoid the fear of making the wrong decision. We encounter uncertainty in every aspect of our life from small decisions like taking a trip with our friends or life-altering decisions like what career path to choose. But why does uncertainty make us put our guard up?

Why we Cling to the Familiar

Have you ever fallen into the trap of watching the same episodes again and again instead of starting a new series or holding onto a relationship that’s past its prime? When all signs scream “It’s time to let go” we dig deeper into our heels and cling tighter. Why? Our brains are wired to seek experiences we are already familiar with, as we know exactly how they will pan out, and no matter how flawed, they still provide us with a sense of security. Uncertainty involuntarily brings about a threat response leading to a state of heightened anxiety against potential danger. This is why people avoid change and stick to outdated beliefs, toxic relationships, or unfulfilling careers.

The Concept of Cognitive Dissonance

Imagine having to do a boring task like counting the number of grains in a bowl but afterwards having to tell others that it was fun but here’s the twist, you are either paid $1 or $20 for saying so. The same happened when Leon Festinger, conducted an experiment and asked a group of people to do boring tasks and later tell other people that it was interesting, paying participants either a small amount of $1 or a large amount of $20 to lie. The findings showed that the group which was paid the smaller amount later described the tasks as interesting. Why? It is because their brain couldn’t justify their lie, so they convinced themselves that the boring tasks weren’t that bad after all. This is what he called cognitive dissonance. They believed the tasks were fun because it made them feel better about lying. In real life too, whether it’s a disturbing friendship, an old routine, or an unfulfilling job, we’ll make excuses to justify it. Our brain is just trying to reduce the dissonance. Our brain just doesn’t want to feel the discomfort between what we’re doing and what we know we should be doing. It feels easier and safer to stick with what we know, even if it isn’t ideal and thus rationalizes wrong choices.

Loss Aversion

This is rooted in the concept that people prioritize avoiding losses over achieving gains, meaning if you are studying to become a doctor because it felt like a safe choice. Still, it makes you unhappy and deep down you love literature and want to become a writer. Will you change your major? Most probably no. Why? Loss aversion against uncertainty kicks in. “But I have already spent two years doing medicine” “What if it doesn’t work out and I end up regretting it” In life, this happens with career choices, relationships and investments—-we cling to what we have, fearing uncertainty of the future consequences. Here’s the truth though, sticking to the wrong path just because you started it is like sitting through a boring movie just because you started watching it. Walking through uncertainty is terrifying but limping down the wrong path is worse.

Fear of Failure

We have been taught to associate failure with shame, embarrassment, and judgement but never as a learning opportunity or as an opportunity to give ourselves a second chance. When faced with uncertainty our mind immediately goes to all the things that could go wrong, all the backlash we would face from people around and most importantly how will we ever make a comeback if we mess up. Never once do we think of what if it works out. This is why most people decide to stay in their unfulfilling, predictable routine because it is safer than the risk of going wrong. But here’s the thing: Avoiding uncertainty doesn’t prevent failure—-it’s a guaranteed failure of our potential to grow and truly live fulfilling lives.

In the end, uncertainty is like that one old sweater that’s worn out yet cozy. There is hesitation to give up the comfort of the known even when we know it is not the best for us and there is a better choice waiting. Uncertainty is also that dark, eerie tunnel where everything that prevents you from moving forward is present. Failure. Judgement. Embarrassment. Self-Doubt. It lures us to the illusion of short-term comfort—-familiar routines that drain us of long-term happiness. There is a need to change our mindset, to embrace the probability of making mistakes, seeing it as a chance to explore opportunities that can be far more rewarding.

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Radhika is a writer at the junior working team of Her Campus at Manipal University Jaipur Chapter. With a knack for perfection paired with a flair for creativity, she contributes to creating influential content across various topics with clarity and accuracy, passionate about conveying ideas vividly. In addition to her role at Her Campus, she has previously used her storytelling skills to create content that resonates. From crafting powerful content for an organization majorly dedicated to women and child development to refining her communication to apply to real life problems at a mental health wellness organization, she has always tried to use her creativity to create something impactful. Currently, she is busy exploring human mind as a student, pursuing Psychology at Manipal University Jaipur. Outside of her academic commitments, she spends her time chasing inspiration from people around for the next story to tell. When not weaving ideas for her next story she's utilizing her creativity into cool digital graphics. She also occasionally gives into her guilty pleasures- reading psychological thrillers and murder mysteries.