You can find a variety of styles on a college campus. Everyone is either discovering their style, following fashion trends, or just rolling out of bed. Regardless, there are a few staple styles that you can find on almost every college campus.
1. The Casual
The casual style is extremely popular across college campuses. It is versatile and can be dressed up or down. Its great for people who don’t want to put much effort in to their style, but also want to look semi-presentable.
2. The “Prob Has a Presentation”
We all know these people. You see them walking on campus looking all professional and businesslike. Your initial thought is, “maybe they just wanted to look nice,” but then you come to reality and realize it is probably just a presentation day.
3. The “Trash Walker”
The “trash walker” look is the most recent fashion trend that most males hate, and most females can’t live without. This style is the comfiest way to be lazy. An XL shirt, Nike running shorts, and a hat are usually the staples for this look.
I’m sure there are more, but you’re bound to see any of these looks, if not all of them, on one trip across campus.