Change is hard. We all experience changes. It is an inevitable part of life. Everyone has their “comfort zone.” We do things that make us feel secure, we get into routines that work for us and we stick to what we know is safe. Then life comes in and turns everything upside down. Life shakes things up and forces us to change. Recently I have been experiencing a lot of change and I wanted to share a few things I have learned.
change = growth
Change forces us to grow. Humans are like plants. We all grow and develop at different paces. Changing allows us to expand our roots and blossom into the people we are destined to be. Without change there is no growth. Remember that “comfort zone” I mentioned? Growth gets us out of our comfort zone just as change does. It is how we have new experiences and gain new skills. It is okay to out grow things when you change. Adapting is a powerful thing we are able to do. It is hard to adapt to change sometimes, but it is possible. Embrace the unexpected.
change isn’t always bad
Change can be so good. Sometimes change seems pretty easy. Like when you try to not eat as many sweets to live a healthier lifestyle. Or changing your hairstyle. Change can be as simple as trying something new. Where you are right now is not your final destination. Things can always change and things can always get better.Â
change can hurt
On the reverse side of things, change can hurt, a lot. Sometimes change means changing careers unexpectedly or losing a close friend. Change isn’t always pretty. Sometimes it is sleepless nights, stress and a lot of tears. It hard to accept when things aren’t the same. A lot of the time change comes when you aren’t ready. It forces itself on you whether you want it to or not. It is okay to experience feelings that aren’t always positive regarding change, but don’t dwell on those feelings. Dwelling only makes it harder to accept.
change helps you to become more flexible
Flexibility is an important quality to have. You might think you are pretty flexible, but wait until your plan changes. Things changing in your life can bring new opportunities. Even small changes can make an impact. Change keeps you on your toes. You learn to adapt quickly to changing situations. You can handle the chaos life may throw your way. Change can remind you that your plans aren’t always what life really has in store for you.
change can help you learn about yourself
Change can help you realize things about yourself you didn’t know about. Change can help you develop your own personal beliefs or challenge the ones you already have. Change is what helps us discover what you like to do or maybe what you don’t like to do. Change can help you look within yourself and think about things that might need to change. Change can help you find self confidence. Change can help you understand how amazing you are.
It can be hard to accept, but it is okay to change.Â