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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Murray State chapter.

Everybody knows that one person who, instead of holding the door for half of a second, just lets it slam right in your face. Or maybe the person that gives you a dirty look when you’re simply just walking across campus. Or that girl that sits in front of you and looks annoyed when you drop your pencil and it rolls under her desk. It is guaranteed that sometime throughout your life you’ve run into someone that has not been the nicest. I mean, honestly, sometimes I wonder if it truly hurts some people to be nice. I just don’t get it…is being nice not in style?


Here are 10 nice things you can do so you’re not that one person:

  1. Hold the door open

  2. Smile at strangers

  3. Do a nice deed one day

  4. Talk to someone in the elevator

  5. Pay for someone’s coffee behind you

  6. Compliment someone

  7. Reach out to someone you know is having a rough time

  8. Tip someone at a place you normally wouldn’t tip

  9. Bring your boss/coworkers donuts or coffee


Trust me, we’ve all had a bad day where we don’t want to talk anyone because if we look up we might start crying. We get stressed, we get annoyed, we get overwhelmed and that’s part of life but we can’t let it affect our entire day. Don’t stress, smile! It takes more muscles to frown than smile, so why frown? It requires more work, and we all know that no one wants to do more work. It doesn’t take much energy to be nice and considerate to others, yet we rarely see it occur. Just strive to do 5 of these things throughout the entire week. After you complete that goal, then try to do even more the next week. Come on, I know you can be nice! Let’s make being nice be in style!


Alyssa is currently in her sophomore year at Murray State University. She appreciates nothing more than chick-fil-a's wonderful customer service as well as their food, a good netflix series, and a night of playing card/board games. In her very rare free time, you can find her playing sports. spending money on clothes and shoes, and eating mexican food. She plans to pursue a career in Elementary Education where she is able to provide each child with a home away from home. You can find her on twitter & instagram @Busche12