Your first semester of college is full of adjustments. As a freshman you quickly learn that most things you did in high school don’t work in college. Finals week is rough for every college student, but for first time freshman it can be extremely confusing. Here are a few tips for surviving your first college finals week.
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Find out your finals schedule
For finals week the university sets the finals schedule. Your final could be on a completely different day and take place at a completely different time than your usual class. Some professors do have their finals during normal class time and do not follow the university schedule. So be sure to check out your syllabus, university website and talk to your professors about when each of your finals are so you can plan accordingly.
Start studying early
If you are a first semester freshman you have probably already learned that studying is vital. Most of you probably did not have to study for tests in high school, but for college you do. Start studying the material for your finals early. This will give you more time to focus on subjects that are unclear and overall make your finals week less stressful.
Go to the “Almost Midnight Breakfast”
Every semester around finals Windslow hosts an “Almost Midnight Breakfast” that is free for all university students.Ā Professors and other university staff serve students breakfast. They usually give away Red Bulls, t-shirts and other things to help you stay motivated during finals week. It is a great way to give yourself a break from studying and have some fun.
Don’t forget to sleep
It is easy to get so caught up in studying for finals week that you forget to sleep or feel like you do not have time to sleep. Sleep is extremely important and finals week should not be an exception. If you are not rested you won’t be able to focus to study anyway so you might as well get some rest.
Don’t forget to eat
Just like sleep, eating is easily forgotten during finals week. Be sure to eat and give your body the energy to keep going. Without food you can only do so much. Allow yourself time to take care of yourself and stop studying for meals.
Even if you don’t like coffee it might become your best friend
Coffee is what 99% of college students survive off of before finals week. Caffeine can give you that little boost of energy you need to power on through your final project and exam preparations.
Reward yourself
After all of the hard work you have put in this semester reward yourself. Take some time to go to dinner or to take a nap or watch your favorite movie. School is important but don’t forget you are important too.
Don’t beat yourself up
It can be easy to get down on yourself before finals. Especially if you are struggling in a class or don’t feel like you could possibly retain anymore information. Finals week is a stressful time, but just remember it is going to be okay. Just breathe. You got this.