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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Murray State chapter.

Fall is here, and it’s fantastic. We welcome colorful leaves and pumpkin spice everything. Let’s not forget the three best holidays are coming up. And I’m so excited for all the food! But with all this excitement it’s easy to get lazy and unmotivated. Please – do not drop out. Fall does not have to mean fallen grades. Check out these helpful study tips so you make it the new year.


  • Stay organized

You’ve heard this hundreds of times, but get ready to hear it again. Organization makes all the difference. Keep a planner and write out everything. Use it for time management. This will keep you sane – especially when you forget about that essay. It’s also a great way to stay ahead so you’re not stressing.


  • Take 30 minutes

Sometimes you procrastinate or forget things… it’s okay, we’ve all been there. Even if you have great study habits, this can make it better. Take 30 minutes each day (ideally at the same time) to study. Recent studies have shown that this is the best way to retain information and even increases intelligence. So why cram the night before when this is so much easier?


  • Location

Do your homework in the same place. This triggers signals in your brain that its “study time.” Keeping all your study materials with you will also help you complete the task quicker. And if you’re feeling really productive try this out. Announce out loud what you’re doing and that you will finish. It feels dumb, but you are more likely to finish your task. Saying it makes it real.


  • Set goals

Make a to-do list. Write out your goals. You are more likely to do something – whether it’s school or not – if you write it on something tangible. Help your thoughts turn into actions. This is also another perk of having a planner or calendar. And it’s okay to treat yourself for completing something. Give yourself a prize for every task you complete. If that is what gets you through, then do it!


  • Don’t even look at your bed

It’s comfortable, yes, but don’t do your homework on your bed. You work slower and get tired quicker because your brain thinks its bed time. And eventually studying in your bed actually makes it harder to fall asleep.


  • Study, exercise, study.

In the middle of your study session, take a break to exercise. This helps you retain info and the exercise is good for you! Win, win.


  • No tunes

This one is the worst. We all hate it. But don’t listen to music while trying to study. Even if you think it helps – it doesn’t. If it is only mindless homework, then I guess it’s okay. But if that exam is the difference between an A and a B, put it up. No matter what it is, your brain is still multitasking by listening. If you have to have background noise, listen to something with no words.

Everyone can improve their study habits, and there are so many different things you can do. It’s hard to not study in bed or shut off your favorite song, but try it out. I’ve been using some of these tips and it really does help. But honestly find your fit! Whether it be study groups or absolute isolation, nothing is wrong if that’s what works for you.

Cady Stribling

Murray State '22

Cady double majors in English and Journalism at Murray State University. In her free time she loves reading, dancing, and watching Mean Girls (obviously). Her favorite memory is swimming with dolphins - which is also her favorite animal. She is an avid supporter of the Oxford comma; her sweet tooth is never ending as is her passion for musicals. Cady hopes her future profession includes writing, traveling, and eating a plethora of ice cream.