So you found out that the major you were in just didn’t work for you, and that is okay. Think of it like this, you saved yourself from graduating with a degree in something that you will hate doing for the rest of your life. It may seem like it is such a shame to change because it means that you have to stay in school longer, but in reality the average four- year degree takes about five to six years to actually get, so you are not falling behind.
There are many wonderful professors on campus that are more than willing to bestow their knowledge onto you about their field of choice. It can seem very overwhelming trying to pick a new major if you didn’t already have one in mind. It can also be pretty normal, if you are not too far ahead in the game as I was when I switched my major, to go undeclared and get you university studies out of the way. Soon, however, you will soon feel the pressure to have to pick a major. If you are in this boat, here are a few pros and cons to consider.
It Allows Exploration
By taking introductory classes from different majors, it will allow you to learn about other areas of study, and it also can get your eyes to open up to new passions out there. You get to gain a wider perspective about the world around you because you will have gotten to take classes through more than one department. A lot of students out there will even change their major more than once. So, while you are out there exploring the majors you school has to offer, you may end up liking something that you wouldn’t have chosen in the first place.
You’ll Be More Satisfied
If you were like me and just in this funk that made it so hard to want to do anything within my major, it might be a sign that you are not in the right major. In that case, switch as fast as you can! At the very least, trying a new major will help you sort out some of your interests. Even if you end up deciding that you didn’t like this new major, you get an E for Effort!
You May Not Graduate On Time
Depending on what major you are switching from and the one that you are switching to, the curriculum requirements for you to be able to graduate may be different. If this is the case, you may end up having to spend an extra semester or two trying to finish up. But hey, you get to snag those college discounts for a bit longer and not have to lie about it.
College Might End Up Costing More
If you do end up having to stay longer, you will have to think about additional tuition and living costs for that time, as well as daily expenses. There is also the chance for other required supplies for your new major, which could consist of art supplies, lab equipment, calculators, etc.
If you happen to be an open-ended major, don’t sweat it! Many colleges and universities require their students to take a set of courses for their general education, which ranges from science and math to communication and the arts. Taking these general education courses will help count towards your degree, while also giving you an opportunity to find out about other majors. You might be very surprised at what you find out!
Throughout your process of wanting to change your major, look toward your Academic Advisor for guidance. They will be able to help you understand the requirements you will need, what credits will transfer and which won’t between departments, and they will also help talk you through why you are unsatisfied with your major.
While changing your major can seem scary and daunting, just take a deep breath and relax. There are always going to be pros and cons to every decision that you make, but when you change your major, there are always going to be resources and people supporting you 100% of the way. Just know that nearly everyone in college will end up going through a change in their major, and even their minor. It is not something to be stressed about, but it is something to be excited about.