From the day I was born I have always been different from most people. For me, being a triple is normal part of my life, but others believe it to be fascinating and ask questions about what my life is like. Being a triplet is something that doesn’t define me, but it is part of who I am as a person.
I have shared every birthday, momentous life event, and school graduation with my two brothers. When people ask me questions about being a triplet, I try to give them an honest answer. My answer normally reflects my mood toward my brothers at the time; Sometimes I answer with how it’s a challenge being the only girl with two brothers my same age. Other times I will answer with “oh it’s alright.”
From the moment we were born to when we graduated high school, my brothers and I have always been around each other 24/7. After graduating high school 2 years ago, I went to a different school than my brothers. It was definitely a different feeling going to school without my brothers. My brothers have normally been by my side. Though after being in different schools for 2 years now, it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
 I was no longer known as a triplet (most people don’t even know). I could be my own person. In college, I have learned though that I would like to be known as a triplet, because it is a part of my life. People ask about my siblings and even though we don’t always get along, they are my brothers, and they are technically a third of me. They have gone through all the major milestone with me and I couldn’t imagine my life any other way. Even if I do sometimes say that I wish things were a little different. My parents tripled the love at once and I am glad that I am a triplet.   Â