As many college students know and understand, saving money is one of the hardest things to do in college. Besides our tuition and housing fees, we like to pay for food outside of campus because on-campus is really never that good. We like to go out and party and if you’re not going to a house party, you definitely have to pay to get inside the club! And of course, we’re human, meaning we still like to shop and do other miscellaneous activities.
However, I have a few tips on how you can save money in college! The tips are listed below:
Manage the money you do have. You should learn to keep track of your bank account so you’ll always know what you have and don’t have to spend.
Drink smart (if you’re legally able) or don’t drink, but if you must, buy in bulk. A bottle of Vodka might cost the same as two drinks at the bar. Also, go where the drink specials are, they don’t call it happy for hour for nothing!
Spend less money on food. I know the cafeteria probably sucks but find little things in there that you like. Skip on the fast food and late night drive thrus.
For entertainment, maybe you can skip paying at the movies and have a movie night in your room! Ask to borrow someone’s Netflix account and/or  use the many free movie websites that are out there