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NCCU Eagles “Soar to the Polls” as Early Voting Begins in NC

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCCU chapter.

North Carolina has been a key battleground state in the 2016 presidential election. “The Tar Heel State” is where recent polls reflect a tight race between the U.S. presidential nominees; Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Early voting began in North Carolina on October 20th and NCCU students were fully aware and ready to vote. On October 27th, Eagles soared to the nearby polls in the School of Law which will serve as a one-stop voting site from October 20th-November 5th at 9:00am-7:30pm.

NCCU sophomore Ayanna Smith who participated in the march to the polls and early voting said, “Marching to the polls made me feel like I was doing my part at honoring my ancestors who fought and died for my right to vote. Voting made me feel like my voice mattered, as a student and as a black woman.”

Ayanna Smith

Photo courtesy of Kyla Rush


Photo by Kyla Rush

Born and raised in the 910, Shannon is a sophomore at NCCU. She is a Political Science major with a concentration in Global Politics. 
Hello! I am a sophomore at North Carolina Central University studying Biology with a concentration in Secondary Education. I'm an aspiring science teacher, part-time flower child, self-proclaimed book worm, and studying feminist. “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”