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A Love Letter to My Favorite Places in the World

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

In my short nineteen years on this Earth, I have been blessed to travel to some of the world’s most beautiful cities and places. Some of these places quickly became my favorites, joining an eclectic list of my favorite places worldwide. Being home this past summer made me think about my favorite places in the world and inspired me to compile a list of my favorite fifteen places and share them, so maybe they could become your favorites too. So without further ado and in no particular order, here are my top fifteen favorite places in the world. 

SouthPark Mall

First, I have the mall that I have been going to since–as my mom says–I was in the womb. A visit to SouthPark Mall is inevitable whenever I am home in Charlotte. I joke that it is my second home and always wander through my favorite stores, Nordstrom and Anthropologie, to pass the time. 

Cameron Indoor Stadium

Cameron Indoor Stadium is a place unlike any other. I am named for it, after all. My family is diehard Duke Basketball fans, and I consider myself grateful for having seen a handful of games here. There are 9314 seats making tickets extremely difficult to get, but although it is small, the atmosphere is electric. 

Renaissance Patisserie

A smaller place in the world, but one of my favorites is this French bakery and cafe back home called Renaissance Patisserie. It is my mom and I’s favorite place to grab lunch (conveniently near the mall), and I always dream about their Quiche Lorraine and Strawberry Fraisiers. It is a special place because it brings an authentic piece of France to Charlotte.

New York City

It is a tough battle between Paris and New York City for the title of my favorite city, and I don’t think I will ever choose. There is just something about NYC that draws me to it. I plan on moving there when I am older to pursue a career, hopefully in fashion journalism. Being there makes me immensely happy, and I cry every time the plane takes off to leave. 


As I said, it is a tough battle between Paris and New York for my favorite. I was lucky enough to go to Paris for my sixteenth birthday; it was magical. Being there oddly felt like I was home and that I belonged there. I have always been a massive Francophile, and my birthday is on Bastille Day (their Independence Day), so it is fitting that I am so obsessed with French culture and food.


There is no way that I could talk about my favorite places and not include my home. Charlotte is where I was born and raised and will always be my home. Although I am there, I constantly complain about how there was nothing to do, when I am away, I find myself longing to go back. 

Los Angeles

Being as pop culture obsessed as I am, LA is on my list of favorite places. After years of begging, I was finally able to go, and I felt like I was in heaven. I loved the celebrities, the iconic spots, the movie sets, and the luxury, and I cannot wait to return.


The other stop on my sixteenth birthday trip was London. I had the best time, and being as obsessed with the Royal Family as I am, I saw so many historical and iconic places and things while there, which I loved. My only complaint is the food was not the best there, but I was able to manage.

Sleepy Poet Antique Mall

Another favorite spot of mine in Charlotte is Sleepy Poet Antique Mall. This place makes me so happy. It is a huge antique mall full of what my mom and I call “treasures,” whether it be old magazines, knick-knacks, clothing, you name it, and Sleepy Poet probably has it.

Piggie Park

My next place is a place I wish I could go to every day but sadly cannot. Piggie Park is a drive-in from the 1950s that is still open today. It is in my dad’s hometown, Thomaston, Georgia, and has some of the best food I have ever had. 

Hilton Head Island

Growing up, my family would go to Hilton Head Island every year for summer vacation, and I loved it. We would eat at the same restaurants, shop at the same stores, and even stay in the same condo unit. One of my favorite traditions was playing mini golf, where we would have a tournament. 


There is something so quaint and magical about Charleston. King Street and the Market are my go-to’s when I visit, and I just love strolling around the city, but the heat definitely gets to me.

131 Main

Another favorite restaurant of mine is 131 Main. I go here often to have lunch with my dad, and we both indulge in their crabcake salad, which is seriously the best salad I have ever had. We don’t even need menus when we order because that is the only thing we ever get.

Palace of Versailles

The Palace of Versailles, located right outside of Paris, is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I was walking around in awe of the grandeur and beauty of it and have never been sadder to leave somewhere. The Hall of Mirrors was fantastic, and every room was stunning. 

Callaway Gardens

The final resort on my list is Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia. I have only been here a handful of times, but when I go, it’s Thanksgiving to see my dad’s family. We always stay in a cottage, and the entire resort feels quaint. It is the perfect place to be for fall, and they even do a fantastic Christmas lights show.

Cameron Crews is the president of Her Campus at NC State. She is responsible for publishing all articles, leading meetings, encouraging all staff, and overseeing the entire chapter. This is her fourth year on Her Campus and her third year as President. Outside of Her Campus, Cameron was the Editor-in-Chief of her high school’s yearbook, which she helped lead to being awarded the best book in the entire state and honored at Columbia University’s scholastic journalism awards. She worked as an intern at Southpark Magazine in Charlotte, NC, where she edited articles, conducted interviews, and assisted the editors. In the Summer of 2023, she attended Regents University in London, England, where she took fashion classes from high players in the fashion industry who have worked with the likes of Andy Warhol, Alexander McQueen, Christian Siriano, and more. She also had the opportunity to interview Brendan Fraser immediately after he won his “Best Actor” Oscar at the 2023 Academy Awards. She interned with one of Hollywood's top stylists Tara Swennen in Summer 2024. She is a senior at NC State University majoring in Communications with a minor in Journalism. After graduation, she hopes to move to LA or London and work in the fashion industry as either a fashion editor or celebrity stylist. Cameron was born and raised in Charlotte, NC, with her younger brother and dog, George Bailey. She enjoys shopping, watching movies, listening to music, writing, hanging out with friends, and traveling in her free time. She is a huge Taylor Swift and Harry Styles fan and has seen them both in concert multiple times. She is also a movie aficionado with some of her favorites being Once Upon A Time…In Hollywood, Barbie, Lady Bird, the Breakfast Club, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s.