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Campus Etiquette: 12 Tips to Avoid Being “That Kid”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

North Carolina State University is a diverse community, so of course there is going to be a wide variety of personalities you will interact with daily. There are so many opportunities to show off who you are But some people don’t get out much beyond the scope of attending class. Maybe they just don’t know that throwing pencils at strangers as they walk by is frowned upon. Maybe they need a little advice…

Here are 12 rules to try to follow when you venture out on campus – unless it is your mission to make people dislike you, feel uncomfortable, cringe or runaway. If that is the case, then keep on keepin’ on! Just don’t come crying to us when someone punches you.
1. Don’t Interrupt
When someone is already preoccupied with something, don’t interrupt! Even if you think that what they’re doing isn’t that important, you should just wait for a convenient time to get their attention. I was once sitting in D.H. Hill library with my face in a book and my mind lost in the words when I unexpectedly get torn out of that little world by a new yet familiar face sitting across the table. He was spitting out nonsense a thousand times less important than my report due at 8a.m. Sure, the library is a public place, but when people go to the library, they usually go there for peace, quiet and solitude. So the next time your friend is on the phone, writing an important email, or doing homework, wait until they are at least taking a break to talk details about that outrageous party from last night.

2. Hold the door
So you are on your way to class and the person behind you is lagging behind, but you notice their hands are full. Don’t just let your good intentions go to waste, spare five seconds to show that chivalry isn’t dead.

3. Slow down on campus
Whether you are riding a bike, skateboarding, or driving a car on campus, slow down! Pedestrians have the right-of-way, but that doesn’t always mean they get it! I don’t love admitting it, but I got hit by a biker one day on my way to class, he clipped me right on the sidewalk! He ended up falling and I just got a bruise, but still, that was a little unnecessary. If you’re going to peel on the wheels, have some courtesy!

4. Don’t hog the bathroom
If you have ever been to a house party, you may know what I am talking about. There are those girls who go to the bathroom in a huge cluster to have girl talk. Don’t do it! Whether you are at a party, in the dorms, at your friend’s apartment, or in the library, it is seen as immature and rude. There is someone waiting outside that really has to use the bathroom and also doesn’t want to hear the juicy gossip you’re spilling.

5. Hang up the phone
Don’t check out a book or order food while on the phone! It just becomes awkward for everyone involved. Plus, you’ll have to tell someone to “hold on” and that usually doesn’t go well, especially if the phone call is so important that you can’t hang up for two minutes. 
6. Don’t text just anywhere
I have come up with a word for this new mode that people go into when they are deep in texting – textoriisis. Yes, there is no greek or latin meaning behind those suffixes, I pretty much just mashed text and paralysis – because that is exactly what happens! Students around campus just stop walking in the middle of the hallway or the sidewalk to send a text. There really is no problem other than them blocking the way for people getting to class. Plus, it could be a safety issue if you begin to do this at night on the public sidewalk…anyone could run past you, grabbing your phone or do something worse. Be aware of your surroundings!
7. Introduce yourself
Whether you are at a party, in a new class or meeting your employees for the first time, introduce yourself! Don’t let the first opportunity slip by because once you run into them a second or third time and you still don’t know their name, things will start to get awkward.
8. Don’t take over the conversation
We all love class discussions and debates, but you need to know when to put a lid on it and let others speak. Some students are especially shy in large settings and get discouraged when others dominate the conversation. Don’t be the person who thinks his or her every opinion is too important to not be included on every topic. 

9. Don’t socialize in class
We don’t pay thousands of dollars to go to class to listen to you talk about what you are doing this weekend. It is rude and disrespectful to your professor and your classmates when you are giggling away in the middle of the room. Save it for after class, or atleast write notes to each other if you have to talk!

10. Don’t be a moocher
We all have had times when our wallets were low and we asked a friend for a dollar to get something from the vending machine, but don’t be this almost seemingly greedy character more than you have to! College students in general are usually pretty broke, so asking your friends for money is like asking yourself, and we all know you don’t have the money! If you are going to borrow money from someone, make sure to repay them in some way!

11. Elevator courtesy
Don’t take up space in the elevator by swinging your gigantic book bag around, hitting other riders in the process. If you have a big bag, be aware of your space and keep a good distance from your neighbors!

12. Libraries are supposed to be quiet
Yes, there are areas in D.H. Hill that are specifically meant for socializing and group work, but when you are in the book stacks studying, keep it quiet. Turn off your cell phone ringers, don’t yell over your desk to your friend’s desk, and don’t blast the music on your headphones. Since our generation is so easily distracted, we are always looking for a scapegoat to blame for not focusing on our studies and you being noisy is an easy target.


Campus Correspondent and Founder of Her Campus NCSU - kristiedemers@hercampus.com Kristie Demers is a Senior English major at North Carolina State University. When she isn't studying or busy working on campus, Kristie enjoys running, writing, reading, photography, and painting. She volunteered as an athletic trainer for the Cheerleading team freshman year and developed an unwavering devotion for the Wolfpack. This Wisconsin natives passions include traveling, spending time with family and friends, and loving even the little things in life. Although she is down to earth and loves making people smile, Kristie is hard working and welcomes challenges. All that this happy-go-lucky girl dreams for the future is to write for a magazine and live at the beach. In the meantime, her heart lies in the bricks at N.C. State and beats with every chime of the Bell Tower!