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Exploring Italy’s Culture and Heart

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Ciao! This summer, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Italy with the NC State Alternative Service Break (ASB) team. We visited three cities: Rome, Ostia, and Bologna. Our trip was all about learning more about food insecurity since Rome is home to important global organizations working to fight hunger.

The trip was a great mix of exploring Italy’s history and culture, while also learning from organizations like the World Food Programme (WFP), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the US Mission to the United Nations (USUN). We also volunteered with Caritas and Rise Against Hunger, where we got to help people firsthand. It was the perfect combination of traveling and making a difference!

Here are some of the amazing places I visited:

One of the first places we went to was the Pantheon, a beautiful ancient building that used to be a Roman temple and is now a church. The huge columns and open dome were incredible to see in person.

We also visited Vatican City and St. Peter’s Square, where the buildings and columns were incredible. The square has been a gathering place for centuries, and seeing such an important part of history in person was amazing.

Of course, I couldn’t miss one of the Seven Wonders of the World: the Colosseum (or as they say in Italian, the Colosseo). It was once used for gladiator fights and big public events. Standing there felt like going back in time. It’s amazing to think about everything that happened in that huge arena.

We also visited the Trevi Fountain, and it’s even more stunning in person than in photos. Seeing the fountain both during the day and at night was amazing, as the views were completely different and equally beautiful. According to legend, tossing a coin backward into the fountain guarantees your return to Rome! I’m hoping to go back very soon!

We also visited the Spanish Steps, a scenic spot surrounded by beautiful shops and amazing views.

We also traveled to Ostia, a city about an hour away from Rome, where we spent some time relaxing at one of the beaches. In addition to that, we volunteered at Caritas in Ostia, which was such a meaningful experience. Helping serve food to those in need was both rewarding and eye-opening, allowing us to give back to the local community.

On our final day, we took a day trip to Bologna, where we volunteered with Rise Against Hunger. We helped package school meals for children and food kits for people in need. It felt great to be part of something that made a real difference.

Walking through the streets of Rome was such a fun way to immerse myself in Italian culture. I enjoyed plenty of delicious, authentic pizza, pasta, and gelato. Our group made it a tradition to get gelato every night, trying new flavors and enjoying the city at night.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you’re planning to visit Rome in May, be ready for some rain. It rained a lot during our trip, but we made the most of it with our saying: “At least we’re walking in the rain in Rome!”

This ASB trip was a phenomenal experience. I got to step outside my comfort zone, traveling with 10 other NC State students I didn’t know at first, but who quickly became good friends. If you’re an NC State student, I highly recommend checking out the NC State ASB trips. It’s an incredible opportunity to explore new places, meet some new people, and make a difference through service. It’s an experience you’ll never forget! Ciao!

Kanika is the Senior Editor for Her Campus and is excited to explore the art of writing. This writer was born in Mumbai, India, but she's been in the U.S. almost all her life, except for a few years she spent living in Toronto, Canada. She currently lives in Cary, North Carolina and would love to move to Chicago, San Francisco, New York, or even back to Toronto post-graduation. Outside of Her Campus, Kanika is an engineering student at NC State University. She is currently in her fourth year and is majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Business Administration. Her goal is to become a Product Manager at a tech firm. Through her academic journey, Kanika has completed numerous internships at companies like Fidelity Investments, HP Tech Ventures, and Atticus. She was also selected to compete in a 24-hour Coding Hackathon at JP Morgan Chase & Co in Chicago, Illinois. Currently, Kanika works part-time as a Project Manager Analyst Consultant for a edu-tech startup company. Some of her favorite things to do would be working out at the gym, playing sports, reading, listening to music, and watching TV shows on Netflix or Hulu. Some of her favorite TV shows are Friends, White Collar, Bridgerton, and Breaking Bad. Her all time favorite music artists are Travis Scott, Tate McRae, and SZA.