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For my happiness: Items I desperately need at the moment.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

I am a quite avid Pinterest girlie and absolutely love finding all sorts of beauty, clothes, jewelry, and other goodies that I wish I could obtain but they will still most likely be only a vision board till then. Recently I had made a board called “For my happiness” and of course, it contains items that would most definitely cure my second-semester-college slump right now. Allow me to share some of these, as I would like to call it, “Hot girl sh*t” that I KNOW you would also think you need right now.

My number one interest and sought after money piece is a cherry red and/or chrome heart necklace. Are you actually kidding me right now? I was already a fan of black cord necklaces because they give me a grungy feel, but the big chunky center piece necklaces going around are an absolute heartstopper for me. I need a HUGE collection of them ASAP. These necklaces can also be seen with huge crystals or larger charms, and it is to die for.

Next up is anything vanilla scented, especially this Anthropologie “Eau de toilette Vanilla” perfume. I have never been the one to easily splurge on perfumes because they are just not in my price range (I know it’s only $24, but girl I am so broke its not even funny). But I have smelled this one and it seems like a dream, must have for me already. The package is the cutest as well, I already know it’s going to make me feel so sexy already, if you know what I mean *wink* *wink*.

Another dream prosect of mine are the Italian charm bracelets. I have seen these trending over TikTok lately and I am a big sucker for them already. There is so many charms to choose from to cater to your aesthetic or what not. I also loved how there is no actual chain or thread to be made with this, the charms interlink themselves. Of course I would get this for myself, but these are such a great and meaningful gift for a loved one too and they will love it just as much as me.

Honestly, if you knew me personally, you would know that I really don’t like belts whatsoever and just find that it ruins all my bomb ass fits, BUT these metal waist belts are not even comparable.

Alexandra Byrne is a member and writer of Her Campus at North Carolina State University. This is her first year of joining Her Campus of 2023. She is in charge of producing and publishing articles, attending meetings, and to encourage support and collaboration for her team. Other than contributing to Her Campus, Alexandra was an extensive member of her high school's student government. Establishing leadership, community service events, and understanding the importance of equity in governing roles. She so then became an active member of her school's Genders and Sexualities Alliance club, in which greater expanded her support for the LGBTQ+ community, as well as hosting school fundraiser events for her local community. Alexandra has a huge green thumb. While being a part of her school's Earth Club, her love mother nature grew. She has contributed to the funds and support of her high school's building of a greenhouse, and so then helped her local community understand the whole heartly importance of sustainability. Alexandra is a freshman at NC State University with the intended major of Civil Engineering. In the next years, she aims to travel as much as possible, and love the career planned for her in the near future. Now here is a little more insight of who Alexandra really is about. Alexandra was born and raised in Concord, North Carolina. She is the oldest of three daughters, so it is safe to say she knows a thing or two about how to share with others. She absolutely loves to go on a spree at any local thrift store among her radius, sipping on iced coffee, reading romance books, and sharing laughs with her close friends. Alexandra is a heavy music listener. She enjoys relating to the entirely of Taylor Swifts and Phoebe Bridgers discography, attending any underground concert she can find, and making thoughtful playlists for her friends.