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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

I’ve always liked to read, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve found it harder to keep up with a constant reading schedule, especially in college. Last year, I wanted to read constantly, but fell short of my goals. I read a total of 10 books in 2023, but most of those were over the summer, as I only read about 1.5 books the entire fall semester. This year I want to improve that, especially during the school year. Not only does reading have a lot of benefits, it can also be an escape from the outside world, as I love to read fictional books. 

So, my goal for 2024 is to read a total of 15 books. Nothing unrealistic, but an increase from last year. I also want to balance out how many books I’m reading in the school year vs. the summer. 15 is the perfect number for about one book a month, with a little extra reading in the summer. 

I also want to keep up with my goal of reading every day, even if it’s just a chapter. I like to read before bed or if I have some extra time in the morning, something to reduce stress or get my mind off school. 

As of January 27th, I just finished reading my first book of the year, which puts me right on schedule! My first book of the year was Wildfire by Hannah Grace – of course, I love any type of romance book. The next book I’ve started is The Brothers Hawthorne by Jennifer Lynn Barnes – I’ve loved this series, so I’m excited to get into this book. 

As for other books I have or want to read: 

  • Normal People – Sally Rooney (I need to watch the TV series too)
  • The Cousins – Karen M. McManus (I’ve loved her other mystery books, so I’m excited for this one)
  • Off-Campus Series – Elle Kennedy (What can I say, I love sports romances!)
  • Little Women – Louisa May Alcott (I’m obsessed with the 2019 movie, so of course I need to read the classic)
  • The Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins (I can’t believe I never read these as a kid, but better late than never)
  • Magnolia Parks – Jessa Hastings (I’ve heard that this is somewhat like Gossip Girl, so it’s a must read)

Here’s to a reading filled 2024!

North Carolina State University – class of 2026 Applied Mathematics Major