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Need a Summer Escape? Five Ways to Combat that Summertime Boredom

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Worried about not being able to see the friends you’ve made at college over the summer? Or maybe you’re sad that coming home, you don’t have many plans? Sometimes, that sense of boredom or loneliness gets to the best of us and it becomes unbearable. With a foggy mind, it’s hard to see solutions that are right in front of us, so here are five ways to combat that summer lonely.

  • Adopt a Pet … Succulent!

Succulents are the perfect pets to keep you busy this summer since there’s a plant for everyone! Flowers and other plants, such as ferns or monsteras are a great addition to that summer schedule. With watering, sunlight, potting, and soil, there are many factors that need to be considered and take your mind off what’s been keeping you down. Check your local Home Depot for some succulent options, but if you’re feeling up for a challenge, why not try for a little garden? Cherry tomatoes or basil are some delicious yet easy additions.

  • Go on Nature Walks!

Being outside and in nature is a great way to calm the mind. Bring a family member, dog, or friend that can equally appreciate the beautiful greens and browns that surround you. Take a few deep breaths, grab some pictures, and spend quality, positive time with yourself. Plus, if you decide to go for a walk, you can’t daydream much or you might not see that root.

  • Go to the Gym

Personally, any tiredness I have or boredom instantly goes away when I hit the gym. I put my headphones in, hop on a treadmill, and do my powerwalk. The best part of a gym is that there is such a variety of equipment and options. Not feeling particularly cardio-central? Head to the pool instead or take a yoga class. Rather than lying in bed and feeling miserable, go ahead and put a pep in your step. Going to the gym not only distracts your mind, but also makes you feel energetic after!

  • Make a Personal Bakery!

If you like to cook or bake, you’ve come to the right place. Taking the time to find a recipe and then combine all those ingredients is a great way to have fun and lose that boredom. Even if you can’t bake, why not make the drive over to Crumbl Cookies for some delicious treats.

  • Why not Volunteer?

One of the most rewarding experiences is volunteering with your local community! Make connections, have fun, and learn about ways you can help impact your community. This will definitely get your mind away from that summertime boredom and aid your community.

Alannah Anderson is currently a writer at NC State University. Alannah is pursuing a degree in Marine Science with an intended minor in Spanish. She hopes someday to dive with sharks and help put a stop to the shark finning industry. In high school, Alannah took part in band, basketball, Rotary Interact, Best Buddies, and science and engineering. One of her favorite classes was English Literature and Composition where she got to write poetry and read texts such as A Doll's House by Henrick Ibsen and Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. In her free time, Alannah likes to watch movies, some of her favorites including Jaws, Austin Powers, Miracle, and Air. She also enjoys going for hikes and seeing hockey games with her friends. When she's not at home or with her friends, Alannah is frequently visiting new places or trying new foods. She gained her love for traveling after living in South Carolina, California, Pennsylvania, Ireland, Massachusetts, and now North Carolina. One of her fondest trips was to Spain with her classmates where she visited the Alhambra and Plaza de España. Alannah is excited to be a part of Her Campus as she wants to help make college an enjoyable and fun experience for women pursuing higher education.