“Nomadland,” directed by Chloe Zhao, is based on the book of the same name and follows one woman’s nomadic journey through the West in her van. “Nomadland” features striking cinematography, authentic performances, and an interesting look at the life of the poor older adults in the United States. “Nomadland” is nominated for Best Picture, Frances McDormand for Best Lead Actress, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, and Best Film Editing.
Just about every frame in “Nomadland” is incredible on its own, but when paired with a story of bracing the elements of nature and the structure of the United States, it becomes something truly special. Frances McDormand gives, unsurprisingly, an incredibly nuanced portrayal of a modern elder “nomad,” traveling the gorgeous west in “Vanguard,” named by McDormand herself. “Nomadland” might not feature too much plot, but has interesting meditations on elder issues and grieving. “Nomadland” is my personal favorite in this category; its cinematography moved me to tears throughout the film, I was incredibly impressed by the editing, and a fantastic performance by McDormand ties it all together. – Allie Remhof
“Nomadland” is an amazing film that portrays what freedom and a community of people with like-minded interests can do for someone. This movie depicts what the open road offers a grieving woman who learns to live life to the fullest rather than worrying about every little thing. Throughout the film, we learn more about the nomadic way of life, and we gain insight into what difficulties led people to choose the nomadic lifestyle. Frances McDormand delivers a remarkable performance, and the beautiful frames along with the peaceful music add so much to the delivery of her character Fern. One line that stood out to me while watching this film was “I’m not homeless; I’m just houseless,” which is a beautiful way to look at the joy and liberation Fern has for living in her van. We continue to understand what Fern and others find in this lifestyle while also learning about the hardships associated with it, but the gorgeous shots illustrate what the vast, open country holds for so many people. With a mix of fiction and non-fiction, “Nomadland” is an outstanding, emotional film about loss, freedom, and companions. -Shreya Kancharla