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Professor, I Have a Question: Are My Boobs Distracting You?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Today as my professor continued talking about homework after the hand on the clock already passed the 45 minute mark calling an end to our class time, I began bundling up in my scarf and jacket for my long trek to the gym. Now I know it wasn’t 20 below, there was no snow falling, and we don’t live in the arctic, but it’s nice just to be warm despite the less-than-desirable conditions mother nature sticks us through. As I left the Court of Carolina, I ran into one of my guy friends and instantly we got to talking about our first few days of the new spring semester, and of course, the hotties in those classes – or lack there of. 

Apparently, all of the women in my guy friend’s classes were married. He was just S.O.L. (SO Out of Luck) when it came to new prospects this semester. But as we neared Carmichael gym and our walk was drawing to a close and would soon have to part ways, we were distracted by BOOBS. 

A young woman came walking towards us with cleavage armed and ready to gather A’s without there even being any assignments yet. Boobs without a scarf, or a jacket…just boobs that were a button-short of falling out. My guy friend’s day just got a little brighter. Maybe she was just going to feel out the guys in the class and find a super-smart brainiac to work with for the final project. Who knows what her intentions were, maybe she didn’t have any clean laundry and was forced to raid her teensy-tiny roommate’s closet. Perhaps her Christmas gift this year was a new set of twins and she has been waiting to show them off. Why wear a barely-there shirt when everyone knows it’s cold enough out because your breasts have become the “rather perky” weather girls. 

I don’t know the reasoning for this fine young collegiette’s attire for the day, but as I told my friend – after she bounced on by us –  there is always a time and place to up the sexy-factor. Class, work, and your boyfriend’s parent’s house are the first places that come to mind when thinking of where NOT to wear that plunging neckline or mid-drift shirt. These are only my thoughts, and maybe I’m completely overstepping my boundaries since I know my attire gets a little more risquĂ© come Friday night, but hopefully someone out there realizes they don’t need to wear clothes to Playboy’s standards when they’ve got the brains to pass any standardized test she’s given. 

Perk up girls, you’re more attention-worthy – without 3/4 of your breasts showing – than you think!

Campus Correspondent and Founder of Her Campus NCSU - kristiedemers@hercampus.com Kristie Demers is a Senior English major at North Carolina State University. When she isn't studying or busy working on campus, Kristie enjoys running, writing, reading, photography, and painting. She volunteered as an athletic trainer for the Cheerleading team freshman year and developed an unwavering devotion for the Wolfpack. This Wisconsin natives passions include traveling, spending time with family and friends, and loving even the little things in life. Although she is down to earth and loves making people smile, Kristie is hard working and welcomes challenges. All that this happy-go-lucky girl dreams for the future is to write for a magazine and live at the beach. In the meantime, her heart lies in the bricks at N.C. State and beats with every chime of the Bell Tower!