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Raleigh’s Rhythm: Local Bands & Venues to Get Your Groove On

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Where there’s live music and a good vibe, believe that I’m there. I’ve lived in Raleigh a couple of years now and these are some of my favorite local bands and places to get that groove revival!

First on my list is the band Julia.

Coming out from Chapel Hill, Julia. has been a band I always try my best to go see. Their funkadelic take on all different genres of music is something everyone has to see at least once. As much as I recommend seeing them live, you don’t have to go out to listen to them! Just head to your preferred music provider and listen to their album ‘When Dirt Was Clean And Dinosaurs Roamed The Earth’. 

Next we have The Layaways!

I first saw The Layaways at Blue Door my freshman year and most recently saw them at Lincoln Theatre downtown. I’m a sucker for rock indie vibes and The Layaways never disappoint with how great their stage presence is and vibes are whenever they perform. They have a couple singles out now ‘Miss Garcia’ and ‘Sirens’ that I highly recommend you check out.

Third, Late Notice!

I saw Late Notice for the first time when they opened for Julia. at Cat’s Cradle and immediately became obsessed, their Black Keys influence truly shines through on their new EP, ‘ZINC’. Ever on a walk and just want a character-development soundtrack? Look them up!

I’ve recommended funk and alternative/indie (aka perfect study vibe music), but what about punk?


Originally from Boone, Babe Haven has recently (and thankfully) moved to our very own Raleigh! I saw them with Bongfoot, a Boone-born metal band at Schoolhouse Records and loved every bit of it. Listen to their recent album ‘Uppercut’ for a flashback to one of my personal favorite eras of music, riot grrrl.

There are countless other local bands such as Bell Tower Blues, Hot Wendy, Dr. Bacon, Hourglass Kids, Moving Boxes, and so much more that are amazing to see live. If you look, you can find any genre you like playing somewhere in Raleigh that’s guaranteed to be a good time. The music scene here is one of my favorite things about Raleigh.

Now the only other question to ask is: Where do I see this amazing music and support small bands? I’m so glad you asked!

Some spots that cater more towards younger NCSU students (aka aren’t 21+) are houses like Blue Door, the Wedge and Q-house as well as venues downtown like Lincoln Theater and Cat’s Cradle. Another great option if you want some music while you eat is Bowstring Pizza and Brewyard. Places like the Pour House and other bars downtown have live music, but tend to be 21+.

Amanda is a current sophomore at NC State and writer for their Her Campus chapter. This is her first year in Her Campus and she is super excited to gain more experience writing in a blog-style format! Being a student at NC State, Amanda is double majoring in English with a Concentration in Secondary Education and Religious Studies with a minor in Women & Gender Studies. She is part of the Honors & Scholars program here at State and through that became a part of Creative Writing Crew last semester as a way to be held accountable with writing regularly. Throughout CWC, she really dived deep into writing poetry and short-narratives. This helped to grow her love for writing and interest to begin writing more blog-style articles. This semester she is also part of the Feminist Writing Group through the Women's Center and hopes to have time to join the English club! She is passionate about all things literature and education as well as all kinds of music and movies/shows. She plans on studying abroad both this summer and Spring 2025 semester and is excited to share her experiences through Her Campus. Aside from writing, Amanda adores going to concerts (current favorites seen live being Paramore, Taylor Swift, and Elton John). When she isn't reading in a coffee shop she spends her time binge watching TV-shows (such as Gilmore Girls, The Vampire Diaries, Glee, and One Tree Hill), hanging out with friends, listening to music, or just hanging with her cat. Some other current favorites include the movie The Blues Brothers and book Looking For Alaska by John Green. She is also currently a part of Every Nation Campus, an on-campus ministry that meets various days throughout the week. Post-graduation, she hopes to expand her teaching career to teaching ESL abroad and exploring the world while researching different religions effect on society and it's connection to different cultures gender norms and expectations! :))