Ever wonder how a song can completely change your mood? From movie soundtracks to a song playing in your headphones on the walk to class, music has such a strong way to influence our demeanor. During my first week on campus, I knew I needed to perfectly craft my pick-me-up, feel-good playlist so that when I’m on my walk to class, doing homework, or folding laundry, I’m doing so with a positive mindset.
One day on my walk to class, I started to play my freshly curated “feel happy” playlist and almost immediately after starting, I felt like I was in much brighter spirits. This began my questioning whether I could actually “trick” my brain into feeling joy just by playing music. Curious, I wanted to dig deeper into the impact. Why does listening to what I define as “happy music” make me feel happy? A study released by Nature Neuroscience in 2011 found that music triggers the release of dopamine, which is the chemical known to put us in a blissful, feel-good state. The researchers found that we can release amounts of dopamine enough to shift our moods. Knowing this little piece of information can be the secret weapon to get you out of stormy weather.
It’s incredible to think about the impact and importance of music, something that is so accessible to anyone. The knowledge that we can attempt to better our moods can lead to many positive benefits, especially as an overwhelmed college student. We all can turn around a bad day just by putting in some music that is a breath of fresh air. It is worthwhile to start making a playlist of music that makes you feel happy. No one artist can easily make every person feel the same, so it is important to discover who that artist(s) is to you.
Stress and challenges are unavoidable in the world we live in, but music serves as a powerful tool to transform our spirits and alter our day. By making a playlist filled with songs that fill us with joy, we can actively choose to change our mood. No matter what that genre, song, or artist is to you, find that medium.
Take time for yourself, find your inner peace, and let the music carry you.