Whether it’s the upcoming final exams, relationship problems, Christmas stress or just a bad day – it’s too easy to forget to take care of the most important thing: ourselves.
Self-care has nothing to do with egoism, even if we often quickly feel bad about putting ourselves and our well-being first. We are all certainly a much better company and help for others, if we also take the time for ourselves.
Therefore, here are a few simple but very effective self-care ideas:
- Foamy and Sparkling: The perfect Bath
Usually we quickly jump into the shower hoping we will make in in time to class or other appointments, but how about giving yourself some time to relax? Even though, I really am not a regular bath taker I have had to realize that there is nothing that a perfect bath can’t fix or at least make more doable.
Put your favorite music on, light up some scented candles and simply do nothing. We spend all day with thoughts running through our minds and tend to even overthink as soon as it gets more stressful. Give your mind the necessary break and trust me you will be more focused afterwards.
- Clean room- clean mind
We all have that one chair that serves us as a place to leave our clothes, right? The time goes by and the pile of clothes grows and grows until your closet is almost empty. Well, this chair is now begging you to finally clean up!
Your environment evidently has an huge impact on your mindset. Put on your favorite music and transform cleaning up into an huge party. While cleaning up you don’t have to think about anything else, give yourself a break and just concentrate on the task. Take a look at your make-up collection. What is empty? What don’t you use anymore?
After your cleaning session you will realize that not only your room is organized and clean but also your mind, ready to deal with the next challenge.
- Move your body
Especially during finals we tend to stick 24/7 at our desk. It is no surpise that being in that “Gollum” position is not good for your back at the end of the day. Besides, it is getting colder, it gets dark at 5 p.m. and your motivation to go out fades.
However, your body needs balance. It doesn’t need to be much or a long run (even though the fresh air surely would benefit us all). A simple ten-minute dance workout can help a lot or, my recommendation, a yoga session at Carmichael at sunrise. Moving your body will help you relieve stress and becoming more focused. And besides, we want to shake our trained booties at parties at the end of the semester, right?
- Where are my girlfriends at?!
Never underestimate the power of a girl’s night. I personally also tend to isolate myself as soon as I’m facing a lot of stress. I then feel like I’d rather need some time alone after spending all day at work or university dealing with other people. Of course we all need that Me-Time, but at some point it is so helpful and comforting to spend time with your friends and not just with your own thoughts and worries. You can support and cheer each other up since they probably are facing the same challenges.
So just call a friend and have a quick chat, go out for coffee or if possible dinner, and remind yourself that you got people who support you and will celebrate your future achievements with you.
- Treat yourself
Even though you are stressed and it seems as if there is no time left to manage everything, allow yourself to treat yourself. It can be a nice dinner, your favorite Starbucks coffee or just to watch the movie you’ve added to your Netflix list months ago but have never had the time to watch it. Take that time for yourself!
It doesn’t have to be much. Doesn’t your day already brighten up when you can apply your new favorite lipgloss in the morning? Or see your freshly made nails flying over your keyboard as you write your fifth essay of the day? Small things can already have such a huge impact on your mood which will facilitate your daily schedule. You deserve it to give yourself some rewards for all the things you manage!