The Love Yourself Campaign, founded by junior Amanda Sette is taking the University of New Haven by storm to fight the over-sexualization of the female body, and to promote body positivity and confidence in everyone regardless of gender.
Her inspiration? Her own struggles.
“For the longest time, I struggled with body image issues. I always hated what I saw in the mirror and was always wishing I looked like someone else. Once I finally learned to love myself, I found true happiness and inner peace,” said Sette. “I no longer felt the need to always “look good” and was happy with myself. I stopped comparing myself to others and started appreciating the body I had. I want to show people how important loving yourself really is.”
The @love.yourself.campaign Instagram account is dedicated to starting a conversation between followers, posting her friends’ favorite selfies, and their stories about their own struggles. It adds a very human element to her campaign and is something anyone can relate to.
But Sette isn’t just content with her friends, or even just the campus community.
“I want to start a revolution,” said Sette.
Follow the Love Yourself Campaign at @love.yourself.campaign on Instagram and like their Facebook account at lycampaign.