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Managing Your Way Through College: As Told by Taylor Swift

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Haven chapter.

It’s your first day of classes freshman year. Some people are totally fine and make it through the day no problem… but if you’re like how I was on my first day of freshman year (many moons ago), you’re anxious and about to be sick. Don’t worry! It’ll be easy and before you know it, you’ll blink your eyes and be a senior.

Suddenly you are a senior, back at the top of the totem pole. This is it. It is your year! Take some chances and rock on! 

Well clearly there is a lot of time in between freshman and senior year. So that means classes, classes and more classes. Some will be easy, some will be irrelevant and then some will make no sense at all from start to finish. If you find yourself at this point, just try your best and make it seem like you actually know what you’re doing. 

In this time, make some new friends! Join some clubs, go up to a stranger, talk to that girl standing behind you in line for coffee. Maybe she’s different than you, but there’s the chance that you two have something totally awesome in common (like the fact that you two are trudging through college at the same time!). Embrace your uniqueness and others’ too! 

When it comes to all the stress college can bring, tell yourself these two words: “just breathe.” Yeah, it can be stressful, but it’s really all about how you handle that stress. Don’t let it win. Work on your time management and don’t take everything so seriously. We are all here to get an education, but these are also supposed to be the best four years of our lives! Take a deep breath, you got this. 

It wouldn’t be a Taylor Swift related post if I didn’t tell you to “shake it off”, right? Well it’s true. We all need to have a little fun sometimes, and shake off all the worries and stress. Have some fun in college, and don’t let anyone bring you down! 

Hi! My name is Caitlin Duncan. I'm from Enfield, CT, and a senior at University of New Haven. I am the Co-Founder and Campus Correspondent for Her Campus New Haven. I am also a Founding Member of Alpha Sigma Alpha's Theta Omega chapter. In my free time, I can be found singing Taylor Swift, reading, or cuddling with my dogs, Paisley and Mandy. Feel free to contact me at caitduncan@hercampus.com! HCXO!