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SAE to Tackle Cancer in Their Powderpuff Tournament

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Haven chapter.

On Oct. 4 at 3 p.m. on Kayo Field, the ladies of the University of New Haven have a chance to make a difference and get competitive in Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Tackle Cancer Powder Puff Football Tournament.

For the low price of $5 per person, girls can form teams of up to 12, and register on IMLeagues to compete in the tournament style flag football games. All proceeds will go to the California Breast Cancer Research Fund, which uses 95 percent of funds directly on research.

“Our two biggest goals were getting a good amount of teams to sign up, and having those teams make a good representation of the different people and clubs we have on campus,” said Derek Neville, a senior in SAE, who has been organizing the event along with Justin Thornton.

Any collegiettes interested in participating can speak with some of the brothers of SAE at their informational in Kaplan 109 on Sept. 24 at 7 p.m., or from Sept. 28 to Oct. 1 while they’re tabling in Bartels.

Custom trophies will be given to the winners of the tournament, and a pizza party will be thrown for the winning team as well as the team with the best uniform.

As a further incentive, rumor has that the brothers themselves may be hosting an exciting half time showā€”so whether or not you’re on the field or in the bleachers, it’s going to be a great game!

University of New Haven/ Delta Phi Epsilon/ Feminist/ Funny girl/ Nerd @ssameldredge
Hi! My name is Caitlin Duncan. I'm from Enfield, CT, and a senior at University of New Haven. I am the Co-Founder and Campus Correspondent for Her Campus New Haven. I am also a Founding Member of Alpha Sigma Alpha's Theta Omega chapter. In my free time, I can be found singing Taylor Swift, reading, or cuddling with my dogs, Paisley and Mandy. Feel free to contact me at caitduncan@hercampus.com! HCXO!