Name: Julia Vargas
Nickname: Jules
Graduation: May 2019
Major: Criminal Justice and Investigative Services
Hometown: Corona, California
Relationship status: Single (hit her up!!)
Instagram: @juliavheartt
Twitter: @juliavheart
HC: Is it hard being so far away from home?
Julia: I miss my family and friends, but I keep myself busy in order to not think about being so far from them.
HC: After living in New England for a year, what’s your favorite season?
Julia: Fall!
HC: What is your dream job?
Julia: I would like to investigate legal claims with insurance and accidents, but for now I’m working at the Rec-Center.
HC: What’s it like working at the Rec-Center?
Julia: It is one of the best on campus jobs offered. You really get to know a whole different group of people. It is a very welcome environment and everyone’s so nice. It’s fun to meet other students that you may or may not have crossed paths with on campus.
HC: What are you involved with on campus?
Julia: I am part of TeamREC, the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, the American Criminal Justice Association, and I am a sister of Delta Phi Epsilon.
HC: Can you tell us a little bit about Delta Phi Epsilon?
Julia: We are a Greek organization on campus, we are one of the four Panhellenic sororities. Our philanthropies are Cystic Fibrosis, Anorexia Nervosa, Associated Disorders and Delta Phi Epsilon’s education foundation. We raise awareness and money for these organizations. Our goal is to give back.
HC: Is it hard being a vegan?
Julia: No, I grew up mainly vegetarian so the transition for me was easier than it may be for most. After a few weeks your taste buds change, so foods that may have not seemed appetizing to you before could suddenly become delicious. By going vegan for a month, you save more than 8 animals. #GoVegan
HC: What is a fun fact about you?
Julia: Spanish is my first language.