When that dreaded sound of the alarm goes off at 6:45 a.m., and you regret signing up for your 8 a.m. class…
When you’re slowly walking to class in the morning, wishing you could go back to sleep for even just an hour, but you know that you have to keep walking because…
Walking into the dining hall after your 8 a.m. to grab breakfast, you realize that the lively buzz of students you once enjoyed is now just an overcrowded mess, and you just want everyone to gtfo…
As you’re going through your day and onto your next class, your professor asks you what kind of job you would want in the future, and you wish you could reply by saying…
When that one person in your class starts bringing up something that clearly no one is interested in listening to— even the professor— and you’re just like…
When you see all these girls around you who still get all dolled up for class, and you look like you’ve just rolled out of bed… you just have to own it and be like psh this is…
When you’re walking into a building, and you hold the door open for the person behind you, but they don’t say ‘thank you’ and you usually let it slide, but now you’re just like really?!?!
When you’ve abandoned all hopes of being scholarly, and sit in class not paying attention, and just thinking about the weekend to come.
When it’s getting towards the end of the day, and you’re so exhausted that you think everything you say to your friends is hilarious, but they don’t think it’s funny at all so you’re just like…
Then when you finally get back to your room and relax for a little bit, one of your professors posts an assignment that’s due in less than 24 hours and you think to yourself…
You decide to go to the gym because, you know, a college girl has got to keep away from the winter hibernation bod, and finally spot that one perfect treadmill in the corner away from everyone (it’s in the best spot so no one can see you struggling to jog). You turn your back for one second, and find someone putting their water bottle down, standing on your treadmill getting ready to have the best workout of their life and you’re just like…
When you’re so hungry after that workout, and you go to the dining hall to get some grub, but you’re super disappointed in how your meal tastes.
When you go back to your room to have some quality time with your roomies and watch some TV, but you forget the school’s cable sucks and they only get like 5 channels.
You worked super hard today. You went to class, worked out, dealt with annoying people and professors all day long, so I think it’s time you rewarded yourself with some ice cream, but not just any ice cream…
Finally, we have reached the best time of the day which is, of course, bedtime. But as you’re getting into bed, you remember you have to do all this again tomorrow. So goodnight, sleep tight, and dream of the long awaited laziness of winter break.