After finishing your last final you book it out of that classroom so fast yelling…
You’ve been home for two whole days, you’ve only left your room to eat and go to the bathroom cause all you want to do is lay down and watch Netflix.
So you text your friends from high school to hang out cause you haven’t seen them in awhile, and this is bound to happen when you see each other…
You go back to the Netflix life, and your parents start to get mad that you’re not doing anything, so they tell you to either go back to work, or go everywhere with them…
Christmas Day has finally arrived, and you know the questions are coming from the relatives who want to know everything; “How’s school?” “How’s your love life going?” …and these are the last things you want to be talking about.
The topics of dinner conversations turn to politics, global warming, and the entertainment world of celebrities, movies, and music, and you know you’re going to have one of those family members who has no idea what’s going on…
You get your fall semester grades back, and you’re actually surprised that you did better than you thought!
…Or some of you didn’t do as great…
Shake it off, cause now you can get excited about New Years Eve!!!
New Years Eve is going to be poppin’, you get to reflect on the past year and you also get to have a fresh start with the new year, but first…
The spring semester is quickly approaching and you’re starting to feel stressed out with the amount of things you’re going to have to do when you get back…
Once you get back to school, you feel overwhelmed with the amount of people around, especially since you were watching Netflix alone in your room for most of break.
Well, now that you’re back at school, it’s time to buckle down and be serious, and get ready to plow through the spring semester as best you can!!!
Oh Michael Scott…
Hope you all had a great holiday and winter break!!