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Jennifer Lima ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Paltz chapter.

Name: Jennifer Lima

Year: Junior

Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

Major: Communications with a concentration in Public Relations and a double minor in Sociology and Women’s Studies

Birthday: February 9th 2015

Campus Involvement: Student Activities Manager, SMP as a mentor and community service chair, African Women’s Alliance as Public Relations chair

Relationship Status: Single


HC: What is your favorite place in New Paltz?

JL: “Academic Row. It’s a nice place to sit and watch people walk.”


HC: Who is your celebrity crush?

JL: “Trey Songz”


HC: What is your dream job?

JL: “To own my own PR firm.”


HC: What three words would you use to describe yourself?

JL: “Passionate, hardworking, and sarcastic.”


HC: Who do you consider a role model?

JL: “Gandi or Karen Sivil”


HC: Dogs or cats?

JL: “Dogs”


HC: What current issue do you think millennials need to focus on?

JL: “Racism in the U.S. due to the fact of the current and past racial tension, which has been swept under the rug. We concern ourselves with so many other countries but don’t focus on the homefront. Don’t throw stones if your house is made of glass.”


HC: Where do you get inspiration from?

JL: “90’s hip-hop fashion, I’m in love with Clueless. I wish the 90’s would come back. I love shoes and think they are a girl’s best friend. No matter how much weight I gain or lose, shoes and bags always fit me.”


HC: Do you have a personal motto?

JL: “Live for you, don’t live for anybody else. Don’t talk for anybody else, dont love for anybody else. Live for yourself. That is the biggest lesson I learned between my teens and my twenties.”

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Emma Koch

New Paltz

Emma is a fourth-year student at SUNY New Paltz, where she is majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Business. Born and raised in Upstate New York, Emma now divides her time between school, her hometown, and Houston, TX where her family currently lives. Besides school and internships, as well as being a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus, Emma's other passions include fashion and beauty, health and fitness, trying new recipes, iced coffee, watching netflix with her roomie, online shopping, country music, and her sorority, Sigma Delta Tau. Her dream is to find a career in the Public Relations field where she is able to travel the world and have new experiences doing what she loves. Follow her on Instagram @emmma.koch