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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Paltz chapter.


Everyone needs to think of themselves every once in a while. This is the only way we can stay sane and live a good, healthy life. Here are my top 3 self-care routines that I like to do!


1) Develop a regular sleep routine.

-This is the best thing to improve your days. By getting a full 8 hours of sleep, you will have energy for the rest of the day, be happier overall, and be a lot less stressed. This is something I still work on, but it helps enhance your quality of life. It helps you not have to worry about being tired or get stressed and irritable.  


2)  Make time for relaxation.

-For a lot of people, it’s hard to find time to relax. There are some many things to do that just doesn’t fit into one day. Although, you have to also make room in your day to relax. If you go throughout your day with no breaks, it is inevitable for you to crash and burn. So always remember to just take 15-30 minutes to just lay down and breath.  


3) Do yoga.

-This is something that I just recently started doing. Yoga is challenging yet peaceful in the same sense. It’s challenging to be able to do the poses, but at the same time you are getting so much release from it. For a second you just focus on being calm and zen. Every worry and thought leaves you during this time. It’s a good thing to do to rewind a little bit.

A sociology major with a love for all things Disney. Kayleigh Monahan is an avid reader and writer and can often be found at her local Starbucks. She is the current President of Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority at New Paltz as well as the Campus Correspondent for HC SUNY New Paltz.