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The Struggles (and Benefits) of a December Birthday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Paltz chapter.

December birthday are both the worst and the best.  I was born on Christmas Eve-Eve, December 23rd.  I have always loved my birthday and the date on which it falls, but it definitely has its downfalls.  Here’s a comparative list of the pros and cons to having a festive, holly jolly birthday!


Pro – No Birthday Hangover

You know what I mean by birthday hangover?  You’ve waited all year for this festive day, designed to celebrate you, and in 24 short hours it’s over.  You wake up the day after feeling kind of drained, not sure what to do with yourself anymore.  

Not me, baby! I wake up the day after my birthday and it’s Christmas Eve.  I go from being birthday festive to holiday festive.  The season of giving continues!


Con – No One Can Hang Out

This was more of a problem when I was younger, but since December 23 tends to fall around Hanukkah time, and is always right before Christmas, so whenever I wanted to have a birthday party, no one would be able to hang out.  Last year people came to hang out, but that was mostly because I made everyone Christmas cookies to eat!


Pro – No School/No Work

Considering the holiday, I have rarely ever had to go to school on my birthday.  In college, the semester tends to end at least a day before, and if I did go to school on my birthday in high school, it was a relaxed day that mostly involved watching Charlie Brown on YouTube and gift exchanges between friends, considering it was the last day before holiday break.


Con – No College Friends

Considering the semester ends, I don’t get to hang out with my college friends on my birthday, since we live all over the state. That means I don’t get to to go Asian Fusion on Main Street and get my free fishbowl (non-alcoholic mind you, since I’m only turning 20 this year,) and I don’t get a birthday card from work, since everyone is home!


It’s pretty evenly matched, but honestly I love my birthday, and just because Christmas over shadows us, we December babies should be proud of our month!


I am a junior at SUNY New Paltz majoring in French and Public Relations and minoring in Asian Studies. I did a semester abroad in France, and I am looking to go to Japan next!