If you hated Eternals then I’m sorry, but you’re wrong.
Frankly, I loved it. It’s officially one of my favorite Marvel movies in this new phase. Now, let’s get to exactly what made this movie so amazing.
* Spoiler Warning from here on out *
The Characters
When I was told that the Eternals group would have 10 superheroes I was amazed and a little wary. I know how hard it is to give each character enough screentime to showcase their personality and power when placed in a giant group. But, surprisingly, this is one part of the movie that is stellar. It’s truly amazing how each character is given just enough time to help the audience understand them. In fact, I’m having a hard time deciding which character is my favorite, because I love them all. There’s Ajax, who I not only love because it’s Salma Hayek but also because she’s a warm, maternal character. Then Makkari, who lights up the room. Ikaris is such a compelling character, and his arc from hero to villain made me feel conflicted, like how the other Eternals must have felt. Sersi is amazing and the heart of the film. Phastos’ turmoil over how his creations could be used for terrible things, and the love he had for his family, were both moving. Kingo was just a joy to watch. Gilgamesh was an incredible force, who knows how to love and protect unconditionally. Thena is strong but has a softer, compassionate side. And Druig was complex but was good at heart and his part in the Tenochtitlan scene made me cry. And Sprite, who, even though she made bad decisions, I still felt sorry for her.
Together, these characters are depicted so compassionately that I couldn’t help but feel connected to them. I felt embraced in their dynamics, and I just wanted more.
The Emotions
The story and the characters are given time to portray every emotion available. A usual action movie focuses on adrenaline, dread, or some humor sprinkled in. But Eternals shows familial, romantic love, complete sadness, compassion, hope, etc. It makes the characters and the audience embrace how they feel in a very human way. Chloe Zhao makes time for each of these emotions rather than steer it back in towards complete action.
The Story
In this part, I can definitely see the argument that the story or overall plot of the Eternals is a bit confusing. There was just so much that they packed together that I could get a bit confused sometimes. And I do think it was very lore-heavy, but that’s something I personally love. I love lore and getting to know the background of the stories I watch or read. I do think that Eternals did a pretty decent job considering they had to make a story that had time for so many characters and to get an already established audience to appreciate it.
Besides that, I did enjoy the idea of the Eternals going against their purpose to fight for humans rather than let them die to create a Celestial. It was a love letter to humanity and all its flaws and quirks. This is what I loved because I love those kinds of stories, the ones that recognize the flaws that we all have but in a realistic light. It’s just so inspirational.
When set against other Marvel movies
The diversity, the action, and the family dynamic are all so different from other Marvel movies. To some people that might not be what they want in a superhero movie, which I think has led to low critic scores. But it’s something that I love. The diversity in this film is so important, and I can’t believe it’s taken this long. Makkari is just one character who is deserving of the love and praise she is getting because she’s such an important step in deaf representation.
The action is definitely different, where there is less than usual in Marvel movies and instead there is more of a focus on story and character. This is something I enjoyed, but I still would have liked a little bit more action, just to help with those parts that lug more than others. But it’s definitely not a terrible part of the movie.
The family dynamic of this movie and group is a shining point. The Avengers always call themselves family, but there are few times where it’s truly shown. The Eternals really seem like a family, one that argues and disagrees and sometimes goes years (or decades, or centuries) without talking, but still comes together and loves and protects one another.
Eternals is an amazing movie, and I can’t wait to see what the future will hold for these characters in the fourth phase of the MCU. I am personally rooting for a sequel and I’m hoping my dream will come true.